Part 5

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He woken up with his own screaming, he had a strangest and scariest dream for the first time in his after the heart transplant, well he had once before when he's ten but not as scary as he has right now.

The thing he never tries to do in his whole life is riding the horse. He had a trauma riding it when he was only ten. When the horse stood up high and throw him in the mud. He promised himself that he will never ride a horse.

And now in his dream, he's riding a horse then it suddenly run fast and turned like mad that threw him out, then he saw the foot of it is about to crash his face. He screamed. This is why he woke up screaming.

Bathing his own sweat, he climbed down from his bed and switched on the light. He probably can't go back to sleep. So he turned on his computer. He needs to know who's the owner of his heart. These things that are happening don't give him peace.

He searched for the accident listed during the same day he had been wounded with a gunshot. There's too many. Some were from the shooting probably from those people who have shot him too. There were some from car crashed.

Almost morning when one news caught his attention. It's a story of a polo player who was crushed by a horse in his head, how did that happen he thought, how did his helmet come off? It hurt his heart seeing the picture of the man being crashed. He cried for no reason. And it screams Ella's name. He closes his eyes. He could feel it. He was there, he was crushed by the horse and he's calling Ella's name.

The man is the owner of the heart in his chest. The man being crashed during the polo match. He has is lead to the woman in his dream now. He browses more at the photos. He couldn't see the face but it says, his fiancée has fainted at the scene. The heartfelt pain seeing the woman held by--- he read the caption, held by his parents. No wonder why she's the only person in his heart memory. Even his parents have loved her.

Searching for more information which hospital he was brought. He found out that it's in the same hospital where he was sent and had his heart transplant. He took a pen and paper to write the information he could find. Every information that will lead him to his peace he will write it and will plan what he should do at it.

Now that he has all the information he needed, he will start to find his peace as soon as possible. First, he will visit the grave of this man whom he owes his new life. Then maybe he will thank his family personally. He wants peace and he's sure with his plan it will give him peace. How could he start to live peacefully if he's taunted and haunted with dreams about the previous life of the heart's owner? Lastly, he will find the woman in his dreams.

He glanced at the clock on his bedside table. It's already four in the morning. There's no use of going back to sleep. So he gets into the shower and took a shower, brushed his teeth and shaved. He only wears a boxer short shirtless that shows his still reddened long scar in his chest. He went down to his kitchen and made his coffee. Toast some bread and sat there in the dining table. Early breakfast he thought. But what else is he going to do?

After breakfast, he washed his own dirty dishes and goes back to his room. He tears the paper where he wrote the information awhile ago. He gets dressed, he decided to go casual today. He will not be going to go to work. Things first things. He can work all his life after this, besides he's confident with all the diligent and trusted employees the company has.

He went to his car and drove off, he will go to the graveyard first. He knows where it was, it's also in the news, he actually found it in the obituaries.

He reaches the place quickly because it's not that far and driving early in the morning were good because only a few vehicles are on road. But the question is, which part his grave lyin'? It's a massive place to roam around and find a grave of the said person. He wishes there's a directory.

He stood there at the entrance. Well, since it's early maybe he would find it before night. Or he will search in a particular place today then come back to search again tomorrow, for sure he will definitely find it in two to three days.

Okay, he will try on his right. Row by row. He scanned every name in the tombstone. He's searching for Ryun Farlow. He wishes that no one will come here in this early hour or he will look stupid. Who cares anyway if he looks stupid. They don't know what's bothering him.

He stared closely to all the tombstone he's passing by. So far he hasn't found the Ryun's name. There's some Farlow but if it's not him. He's almost to the end of his first row.

"Good morning Mister!" Greeted from the person behind him. It made him jumped but he tried to composed himself. He turned around to face him.

"Good morning too! Are you visiting someone too?" He asked because it's really very early to visit a graveyard.

"I work here, I'm a cleaner." The old man replied. He found hope maybe he could help him to find Ryun's grave.

"I'm looking for Ryun Farlow's grave, I haven't been here before do you mind if I ask some help?" He asked.

"Not at all. Come I'll show you." He said.

He followed the old man and brought him in front of the grave of the person he's looking. Ryun Farlow.

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