Part 32

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While the two are up in the air flying separately the people in the land having mixed emotions.

At the Farlow ranch.

"Garreth, come here, quick," Sandy called her husband who's in the bathroom brushing his teeth.

With the toothbrush still on his mouth, he came out and look at the TV where his wife's hand pointed out.

It's Ella and Arvell together. They both have seen the flashing news on Ella's first day in Italy. They didn't know that the hotel where they stayed was owned by Arvell. If not with the news flash seeing Ella and Arvell coming out from the hotel they would not know.

Garreth remembered what his wife told her that day.

"This is not a coincidence Garreth. This is supposed to happen."

Garreth agreed with his wife. This is the faith doing its work. For the two heart that faithfully loves each other to be reunited.

After the news, Sandy turned off the TV.

"Have you seen that. Have you seen how he cares for her? Oh, I'm excited Garreth. I'm excited." Sandy said.

"I saw it. Even if Arvell doesn't have Ryun's heart, I could see through his eyes that he loves Ella. I believe too that what had happened between Arvell and his fiancée happened for a reason." He replied with a little louder voice, he went back to the bathroom to gurgle and wash his mouth.

"I agree. For Arvell to realized that Ella is for him." She replied giddily.

Her husband laughs at her.

"You're like a teenager." He said.

"I'm just happy." She replied.

"I'm happy too. I'm sure Ryun will be happy that his woman continues to live." Garreth replied sitting at the other corner of their bed.

Both of them wish for the happiness of Ella. She may not comes from them but they treated her like their own. Both of them are only after her happiness. Seeing her grieving caused pain in them too. Now they could see that Ella found her life again. She is now living again. And that they too are happy for her.


Somewhere on the other part of US having a different reaction from what they saw on TV.

"You're an ungrateful daughter. How could you let that woman steal Arvell from you?" Candice's mother told her in her raging voice.

"I followed you two for many years. I live according to your will. Even you both know that I am not in favor of marrying Arvell but because of that stupid promised you and his parents made I have to obey. I have sacrificed my own happiness. But I'm not going to marry a man whose life is not sure. Besides, I don't love him. I never loved him." Candice replied to her mother.

Her father didn't say anything.

"Oh yeah you don't like to marry a man whom you don't love, yet he's the man who will make our business lives. And tell me where is that man that you said who loves you? Where is he right now? He's gone, right? After the scandal, he didn't show his face to you. What kind of man is that?" Her mother's voice is like a rumble of thunder in her ear.

"Enough! What has been done cannot be undone. Your daughter has the right to choose. She's a human being. She has a mind of her own. She's not a robot to be dictated. I'm used to be poor so I'm not afraid to be there. I'm not that ambitious as you are. About Candice, she's in her right age to decide about her life." Her father said and left them.

Her mother stood there in shocked. She couldn't speak. If she will open her mouth, what she should say? She's the one who's very ambitious not her father. She too can live an ordinary life. Hubert isn't that rich that's why Ber mother hated him.

She left her and went to her room. She has her own problem to face and she won't waste her time arguing and listening to her mother's ranting.

She never regretted what happened. If she has another chance to do it again. She will still do it the same. She loves Hubert and he loves her. They were having secret affair since she finished her study. In fact, she gave her virginity to him that he lied to Arvell about it.

Seeing Arvell how he held Ella in his arms was undeniable. He loves her. She never sees him looked at her the way he looked at Ella.

Well, good for him. He found his true love.

She will do what she needs to do. Follow her heart not her mother nor her father enough for being their puppet. Time to move forward. Time to find her own life. Her own happiness. She will go after her one true love. Her mother is wrong that Hubert doesn't love her. He's only waiting for her. For her to finally fight for their love. This time she will. She already took the first step to remember?

She packed her things and put in her luggage.

She sends a message to Hubert.

-Pick me up after 2 hours. Enough time to pack my things.

Hubert replied

-I'll be right there. Finally, we will be on our own.

Happy for the life that they will soon to face together.

At the hospital where Ella was working before she resigned.

"Dolly, Ella found her new love life. And take note, that's the Cornwell. She's a lucky girl. All the man who noticed her being wealthy." Said the nurse beside her as they watch the TV in the cafeteria while they are eating.

"She deserves to be happy. I'm happy that she finally moved on. I don't want her to weep all her life because of Ryun's death. She's beautiful and young. She has a beautiful life ahead. " Dolly replied.

She misses her friend since she quit her job at the hospital. She became busy in the Farlow ranch. They only talk over the phone. And text like that. But they don't have any chance to see each other. This is her first time seeing her live on TV. She became more beautiful. The life in ranch adds color.

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