Part 11

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She woke up early today, it's her first time to sleep in the Farlow manor and she can't find the right sleep, so since she couldn't sleep at night, she spent her time unpacking and arranging all her things that were brought in the manor from her house. Her things were just fitted her bedroom. Not a bedroom actually because her bedroom now is bigger than the house she was lived in.

It was just a cottage for the ranch workers. The cottage where her parents lived and where she was born and grew up.

She glanced at the clock on the wall, it's already 5 am. She's done with what she was doing. All her things are in its place now. She's happy that they're all inside in her new room. She prepared a changed of clothes and get in the shower. Since she's awake she will visit Ryun's grave first so she'll be here before that Mr. Cornwell arrives.

After she showered and got ready, she went downstairs to the kitchen. She'll make her coffee first before she heads out to the graveyard.

"Good morning Ella!" Greeted the cook who's always the first to wake up.

"Good morning  Martha!" She greeted her back.

"I'm sure you haven't sleep." Said Martha.

"Yes, it's my first time sleeping here. I guess I miss my small room." She replied smiling.

"You'll get used to it in a few days," Martha said.

"Hope so, I'll head out early so I'll be here before the guest arrives." She said.

"What do you want for breakfast, I'll cook for you?" Martha asked.

"I'll just have a coffee. I'll do it, Martha." She said and took a mug from a cupboard. She knows how to move in this huge kitchen because she almost grew up here only that she didn't sleep in there.

After she's done with coffee, she didn't wait for the Farlow to wake up to tell them that she will be out to visit Ryun first. Martha can tell them if they asked. Besides she won't take long because she doesn't want for their guest to wait. This is her first day and she believes for the ' first impression last '.

She hopped into her car and turned on the engine. If only the horse is allowed on the road she will ride the horse instead. She's excited to tell Ryun that they have a new guest today on her first day. She misses riding the horse already. Now she will ride her favorite horse.

She drove to the graveyard happily. For some people, they don't want to stay in the graveyard, but for her it's good. She felt like she's near to Ryun. She can talk to him.

"Oh, my I forgot the flower." She suddenly realized that she doesn't have a flower when she's almost near. She will tell him later that she's just excited about her good news. If she's done early, then she will come back. Depends how her first day goes.

She parked the car on the roadside where she always parked it. She slid out of the car and walked inside the graveyard straight to Ryun's grave.

"Hello, sweetheart good morning! I'm early today, just excited to tell you that it's my first day at the ranch and--- haha we have a new guest today. By the way, I'm sorry I haven't got a flower for you but if I'll do early today I'll come back. I just want to let you know the good news." She said

"I will not stay long sweetheart, I have to be there for the new guest. You know I don't want that my first guest will get disappointed with our service." She added.

"See you, sweetheart, I'll be back if I've time today. If not then tomorrow morning. Bye." She said and kiss her two fingers and touched his tombstone.

She walked back to the car and drive back home.

Exactly an hour ago since she arrived back at the manor when her first guest arrived. Why he has to be early? Well, it's not her concern if that's what he wants.

She came out to greet him. He's talking with the Farlow. She hasn't met them because she went up to her room to get her hat and boots the moment she arrived.

"Good morning!" She greeted for the three of them.

"Good morning!" Said the men in unison.

"Good morning  Ella! Martha told us that you went out early this morning." Mommy Sandy said.

"Yes, I visit Ryun first because I don't know if I will have enough time to visit him today." She replied.

"Very lucky guy." Commented Mr. Cornwell.

She looked at him and just smile. For her, she's lucky to have him but now he's not there anymore. Only his memories.

"So are you ready to see your temporary haven?" She asked him.

"Yes, I'm excited to be there that's why I got up early and came here. How are we going to go there? Can I bring my car?" He asked.

"Yes, you can bring your car, there's a road all the way there. I'm sure you're packed." She said.

"Yes, I am. I intended to stay a little longer so I packed what I needed." He replied.

"Great! Okay, let's go. Meet me outside the gate." She said and turn towards the back door. She will get Ryun's horse, actually, it's hers because it's Ryun's gift for her.

"Sure, Garreth, Sandy I'll see you around I'll wait for her outside." She heard him said to the couple. Hmm, he addressed them in their first name? She just shakes her head. It's up to them what they want to be addressed.

She's excited to see her horse, it's white with little black strands on the mane. The horse also misses her because it nudges her neck when she gets near.

She put on the saddle and untied the reins. She climbed up and made the horse moved out from the barn. She pulled the rein a little that made the horse jogged. She will have to take a full round from behind the manor towards the road to meet Mr. Cornwell in front. She will lead him.

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