Part 14

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He is not a teenager anymore. He has his fiancée. He's not supposed to felt like he is seeing his first crush. But he likes what he's seeing. The girl in a white horse approaching him. Her chestnut hair is cascading in her shoulder and every movement of the horse she was riding it's bouncing. Some strands flying. She's so beautiful

He couldn't leave his eyes on her. Her mouth opened uttering something like 'follow me'. What's happening to him. He couldn't start the engine. Only his eyes followed her but he's stuck there.

There she is coming back to him. His heart hammering in his ribcage. His mind told his heart to behave. But how could he control it? He can't dictate what it feels. She's beside the car now.

"Are okay?" She asked him leaning now to see him.

He can't open his mouth to say something. But his mind wants to say something.

"Arvell, are you okay, do you want me to drive the car?" She asked him again.

He blinks and looked up to see her.

"I'm fine, it's okay I'll drive the car. Go ahead I'll follow you." He replied.

"Okay." She said and turned away.

He heaved a sigh and turned on the engine. He must control his heart. The reason why the brain is higher than the heart is that it has to take control, not the heart will take control. But his new heart has a mind of his own. How is he going to control it?

He followed her.

He noticed that she slowly making the horse running from jogging now is taking speed. He drives a little faster too to catch up. Now he has to focus. He stopped when he saw her stopped. But she motioned him to go on so he followed her. He only stopped in front of the log cabin. This is a beautiful place he thought. It's homey.

He came out from his car and she was there too. She has walked toward him.

"This is a beautiful place." He commented as he came out from his car.

"I agree. This is the best part of the ranch. We love it here. I'll show you around after you settle inside." She said and pulled out the key in her pocket. She opened the door and switch on the light.

He followed her inside.

"So, what do you think?" She asked him smiling.

"Beautiful place. I can live here forever." He replied.

"Wait until you see your surrounding." She said.

"You mean there's a lot more outside that with keeping me here?" He asked smiling.

"See it first, then you'll answer your question." She replied.

"Why don't you bring in your things first then I'll give you a tour." She added.

"Okay, Ma'am." He said and turn to go to his car.

She followed him outside.

"Give me some to carry inside." She said.

"It's fine, I can carry them inside." He replied.

"Your two times can be one if you let me help you." She insisted.

"As you said so. Okay, here's the light ones." He said handing her the two plastic bags, it's just some snacks, his favorite potato snacks the ones that aren't salty. And also some biscuits.

He followed her with the rest of his things including his duffle bag.

"You have a mini fridge here to keep your foods and if you want to cook you can cook too." She told him pointed a fridge at the corner near the stove.

"I'll figure out that later. Can you please show me outside now?" He asked.

"Okay, let's go." She walked past him so followed her then she turned and tossed the key to him.

"Here's the key, otherwise I'll take it with me."

"Thanks!" He said.

They walked through the path that leads to the creek. He could hear the rushing water from the streams. Something awakens inside him. He loves this place.

"Wow! This is beautiful!" He commented.

"Agreed. We used to stay here before. Having our picnic here when we were still young. Now it's not only us in here. Maybe some guest is camping here." She told him while her eyes are roaming around.

"I like to camp in here too." He said.

"Yes, it's very nice, but your cabin is already near you just have to walk over here if you want to be out here. See that raft?" She said pointing the raft made of the log that was tied in flat.

"Yes." He replied.

"We use that as our picnic area." She said.

He looked at her while she's talking. She closed her eyes. He knew that she's remembering the beautiful moments they have with her fiancé. Ryun's the lucky guy being loved by her. She's crying. It tightened his heart seeing her like that. She's so sad.

"Ella?" He uttered her name.

"Huh!" She blinks and looks at him.

He lifted up his hand to wipe the tears in her eyes. It's like natural to him doing it.

"Remembering him?" He asked though he already knew.

"Can't avoid it sometimes. Especially when I saw the things that we're doing together." She admitted it averted her gazed.

"He's very lucky to have loved by you." He said.

"I'm lucky to have loved by him." She said.

"Yes, I could see that. Even his family loved you." He agreed. She's a real jewel worth to keep.

"I was born and grew up here. They treated me like their own when my parents died." She said.

"They are very proud of you." He said.

"Hmm seems that they have talked too much about me." She said smiling and him. She's unusual, from the very sad moment shifted to happy mood again.

"I'm sure they never sugar coated what they have told me." He said he know that what the Farlow have told him are all true.

She just smiled.

I guess even his parents would be proud of her.

Wait! Why he has to include his parents. They're not the Farlow and his parents only seen, Candice. His parents aren't like Farlow. He likes them for being such a down to earth people. Despite their successful business, they aren't proud. Unlike his mother.

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