Part 13

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"Follow me." She told him

She turned to go back where she came from. She's a little far already but she didn't hear the car engine yet. She stopped and looked behind. The car hasn't even turned on. She went back and looked at him. Seated at the driver seat his gaze never left her.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

He didn't reply. So she asked again.

"Arvell, are you okay, do you want me to drive the car?"

He finally blinks and replied.

"I'm fine, it's okay I'll drive the car. Go ahead I'll follow you." He said in his raspy voice.

"Okay." She said and pulled therein to turn the horse back to where they came.

She could hear the car engine now. At first, she just made the horse jogged when she heard that the car is following she made it run too. She's so happy riding back her horse.

She made sure that the horse will remain in the path along the road, not on the road for the vehicle.

"Hiya!" Pulling the rein and she's running faster than earlier.

This is what she likes, she shared the same passion about horses with Ryun. Maybe because they both grew up in a ranch. This is her place. This is where she belongs. Not in the hospital, she worked before.

"Ho ho ho." She tapped the side of her horse to slow down when she could see the cabin where she's going to give for Mr. Cornwell.

Finally, she made the horse stopped in almost at the cabin. She jumped down and tied therein at the tree. She saw him slowed down the car but she motioned him to keep going. He understands her signal and he passed at her.

She walked towards the cabin. He also parked his car I'm in front of the cabin.

"This is a beautiful place." He commented as he came out from his car.

"I agree. This is the best part of the ranch. We love it here. I'll show you around after you settle inside." She said and pulled out the key in her pocket. She opened the door and switch on the lights, though it's actually bright because of a part of the roof is made of fiberglass.

He followed her inside.

"So, what do you think?" She asked smiling. She knows no one says that this cabin is not good. Many guests have stayed in here and they all like it. She likes it a lot too.

"Beautiful place. I can live here forever." He replied.

"Wait until you see your surrounding." She said.

"You mean there's a lot more outside that with keeping me here?" He asked smiling.

"See it first, then you'll answer your question." She replied.

"Why don't you bring in your things first then I'll give you a tour." She added.

"Okay, Ma'am." He said and turn to go to his car.

She followed him outside.

"Give me some to carry inside." She said.

"It's fine, I can carry them inside." He replied.

"Your two times can be one if you let me help you." She insisted.

"As you said so. Okay, here's the light ones." He said handing her the two plastic bags if she's not mistaken they are dried foods. She just took it and walked back inside the cabin.

He followed her with the rest of his things.

"You have a mini fridge here to keep your foods and if you want to cook you can cook too." She told him.

"I'll figure out that later. Can you please show me outside now?" He asked.

"Okay, let's go." She walked past him.

"Here's the key, otherwise I'll take it with me." She said giving him the key.

"Thanks!" He said.

They walked through the path that leads to the creek. She could hear the rushing water from the streams. Her heart swells in delight. She misses this place. They used to have a picnic here before they opened it for the public. Now it became a campground for some guest.

"Wow! This is beautiful!" He commented.

"Agreed. We used to stay here before. Having our picnic here when we were still young. Now it's not only us in here. Maybe some guest is camping here." She told him looking around if she could see any campers.

"I like to camp in here too." He said.

"Yes, it's very nice, but your cabin is already near you just have to walk over here if you want to be out here. See that raft?" She said pointing the raft made of the log that was tied in flat.

"Yes." He replied.

"We use that as our picnic area." She said. She remembered it so well. They just tied it where it is right now so it won't flow away. Just float where it was. And they just sat there. Talking. Fishing. Eating with the food they brought with them. Laughing. She misses him. He's no longer with her.

"Ella?" She heard him saying her name. She opened her eyes. She didn't realize that she had closed her eyes and remembering her fiancé.

"Huh!" She blinks and looks at him. He lifted up his hand and landed in her face. It wiped the tears she didn't realize she had it. Did she cry?

"Remembering him?" He asked.

"Can't avoid it sometimes. Especially when I saw the things that we're doing together." She admitted it.

"He's very lucky to have loved by you." He said.

"I'm lucky to have loved by him." She said.

"Yes, I could see that. Even his family loved you." He said.

"I was born and grew up here. They treated me like their own when my parents died." She told him.

"They are very proud of you." He said.

"Hmm seems that they have talked too much about me." She said smiling and him.

"I'm sure they never sugar coated what they have told me." He said.

She smiled. She knew that. Ryun's parents are proud of all her achievements. They're the ones who are very happy for her. They told her once that she's their daughter born with another family.

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