Part 23

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Days weren't the same anymore after he left. It's been three days now and she hated it. She felt that she is longing for him. She misses him terribly. Every time she's trying to think of Ryun it's Arvell's face embedded in her thoughts, not Ryun.

What happened to her promised to Ryun, she promised to him that she will only love him as long as she shall live. Her own heart has betrayed her. Why did Arvell came and showed her that gesture that she loved and missed? The tenderness that Ryun has had for her.

For three days she works harder than her previous days. She gave all that she could give to the ranch. Martha has told her to take it easy. Try to take some rest but she said she's okay. She doesn't want to make herself idle because if there's nothing that will occupy her mind she will only think of Arvell and she doesn't like it. She felt that she's cheated on Ryun. Thinking of other man isn't good. She doesn't want to be labeled a cheater.

Riding in her horse, she did her rounds at the ranch. From this morning she hasn't stopped working. They were fully booked almost every day. She planned to add additional log cabin near the beach. She will suggest it as soon as the Farlow arrives. They have enough fund for another five or more cabins. Their profit has increased and additional cabin will add more profit too. For sure many tourists will love the seaside too.
In about a few hours more the Farlow will come back from their vacation. She must focus her job now. Set aside what's bothering her. The ranch needed her full attention. She mustn't fail the Farlow. They trusted her though she has proved it to them already still she will not break their trust.

"Ella!" Waved one of the women, if she's not mistaken she's a wife of one of the worker.

She waved back to her.

"Hello there," She said and halted her horse.

"Hi Ella, I have grown vegetables at the backyard of the cottage. I think you will like it." The woman said.

"I will love it, it's organic. But I don't have money with me right now, can I pay you later?" She said.

"No, no, no it's not for sale. It's for our consumption only." The woman said.

"No. You can earn from it if you have many. It will help you to have extra earnings." She said. She doesn't want to take advantage of their worker. They have labored for it. Labor isn't free. And she wants to help too.

"Thank you, Ella, you are right I can have extra income from it." The woman said smiling.

"Yes, for your children's education." She said.

Education is very important for her that's why she studied hard and tried her best to finished her course. Though Ryun helped her, she still works some of it. She helped in the ranch too. That's why she loves what she is doing because she used to help there with Ryun.

"You are certainly right. Okay come with me and choose which one you like. There are many. It's a good season to grow vegetables." The woman said.

She jumped down from the horse. She ties the reign of her horse in the post of the gate. Then she followed the woman in their backyard. The woman was right there are many choices of the vegetables. She took more of the fruits kind and few of the leafy ones. Martha will be happy. Just in time because the Farlow will arrive soon, they will now have food for dinner.

After she picked what she likes the woman put them in the cloth bag.

"I'll bring back my payment." She told the woman.

"Thank you, you can come anytime." The woman said.

She came back to the manor with the vegetables with her.

"Martha. I have vegetables here. I'll go back to pay the woman first." She said to Martha, who's busy preparing things for their dinner.

"Where did you buy this, it's fresh," Martha asked.

"One of the women grew vegetables in her backyard. Very good stuff. They're organic." She replied.

"The Farlow will be happy that they will have a fresh vegetable tonight. What time they will arrive?" Martha asked.

"They will be here around six in the evening. Perfect time for dinner. I'll go and pay the woman first. I'll see you later." She said for the second time and go up to her room and get money to pay. She forgets to ask how much all the vegetables so she took some extra.

Riding back to her horse. She went back to the woman's place and pay.

She's turning to go back to the manor when someone called her name.

"Ella, one heifer is giving birth." The said in a quite louder voice for her to hear.

She moved towards the man who is also at the back of the horse. One of the workers at the ranch.

"Where is it?" She asked.

"At the north side, follow me." The man said and pulled the reign of his horse.

She did the same, she followed the man to the place of the cattle.

They arrived in the place and the heifer is in distressed. Maybe it's tired and in great pain. It lied down on the ground not a few meters away from the vet who's already there on standby.

"Thank you're here Ella." Said the vet.

"He called me." She said eyeing to the who called her.

"Thanks, Andrew." The vet said to the man.

"She's a nurse and she helped you a lot so I am lucky that I spotted her out in the field," Andrew replied to the vet.

"So how is it Loki?" She asked the vet.

"She broke a water sac already and it seems that she's trying to push the fetus out. She's in a good condition and so the fetus just stands here and watch." The vet folds her.

She nodded and watch the heifer pushing. She might be in distress but she's strong. She nudges the vet when she saw the young calf head coming out slowly. Successful delivery for a young cow. When the calf was fully out they moved towards it and they cleaned the

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