Part 8

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"Yes." He just replied calmly.

"You two have met each other?" Ryun's mom asked looking at her and him.

"I saw---" They both said in unison. She closed her mouth and let him continue.

He looked at her and he continued.

"I saw her at the graveyard this morning." He said.

"I see. Well, that's her routine." Ryun's Mom said.

"But I don't know her name." He added.

"Oh!" Ryun's Mom wanted to say but her husband has cut her in.

"Well, Arvell this is our daughter Ella, Ella this is Arvell. A new friend of ours." Ryun's father introduced them.

"Nice to meet you, Ella." He said extending his hand for a handshake.

She accepted it.

"Nice to meet you too Arvell." She said.

"By the way, you came home early?" Ryun's Mom asked her.

"Yes Mom, I don't need to work at the hospital starting today." She said happily.

"Really? That's great. I'm so happy." The woman replied happily and hugged her.

"Yes, that means we will gonna rock this ranch." She replied smiling from ear to ear. She couldn't believe that this decision will change her mood. Like it's shifted from other direction. That means this the right one.

Ryun's Dad laughs at her term.

"Rock this ranch? You have rocked this ranch long before already." He said.

She looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Ella, in case it still hasn't sunk in into your consciousness that everything that's happening in this ranch comes from that brain of yours. You have rocked it long before you knew it." He speaks to her like he's speaking to a little girl so she will grasp what he's saying.

"You're Dad is right." Her Mom agreed to her husband.

"Sandy I think you better tell to the helper to prepare Ella's room and get them to move in her things here." Ryun's Dad ordered his wife.

"Yes, you're right Garreth. Wait I'll tell them right now. Excuse me." Mommy Sandy said and quickly left them.

"Mom!" She tried to call her.

"You don't have any reason now Ella. You stay here." Daddy Garreth said firmly.

She wants to protest but she realized they have a visitor.

"I will go now, Mr. Farlow. I'll come back tomorrow. I'll call you when I'm on my way here." Their guest spoke.

"You're welcome anytime Arvell. See you tomorrow." Daddy Garreth said.

"Thank you! Please tell Sandy I'll be back." He said.

"Don't worry, I'll let her know." Daddy Garreth said.

"Nice meeting you Ella, see you!" He said and left.

When Arvell's gone she asked Daddy Garreth.

"I never saw him before, who is he? What is he doing here?" She asked curiously.

"He said that he wants to rent one of our logged cabins. He saw our ads and he's interested in experience wildlife. Tomorrow he will come back to check out cabin near a creek. Good thing that you'll be here to give him a tour." Daddy Garreth said.

She's confused, he's interested in the wildlife then why he came to the graveyard first instead of coming in the ranch first? But she just kept it her mind. Even if she will voice it out her Daddy Garreth wouldn't answer it too.

"Wow! The first day of work will be a tour guide to that stranger?" She said surprisingly.

Daddy Garreth laughs out loud that's, the moment his wife came back.

"What's that's all about?" Asked his wife confused.

"Your daughter here was so surprised that on her first day of work here in the ranch tomorrow will a tour guide for Arvell." Her Daddy Garreth replied to his wife.

"Don't worry, you might have seen him but he's from respective family. He just wants to experience a life away in the city." Her Mommy Sandy told her.

She trusted them so she won't ask anything more.

"Well, I just thought that he popped up somewhere and then wanted to hide in our cabins." She said.

The two laugh.

"Maybe you read too many books that's why you thought of something else." Mommy Sandy said.

"Mom, it's because he's good looking doesn't mean it's also good looking in the inside. We may not know." She said.

"I agree, some people actually used their good looks in deception. But Arvell is the Cornwell. The owner of Cornwell Group of companies." Mommy Sandy replied.

"You mean he's the man who has been shot on their engagement day?" She asked in disbelief. She knows that because she was there in the hospital when they brought Ryun. She was seated at the chapel and praying when she heard a woman crying in prayer too. Praying to save his son.

When she came out in the chapel she heard that the nurses are talking about the man who was shot. She knows it's a Cornwell but she doesn't know his name, she's too busy thinking for her own fiancé that the doctor announced dead on arrival. And have asked his heart from his parents if they are willing to donate. When his parents said yes, she runs to the chapel.

What she has prayed that time that the person who will have his heart will remember their promise. She prayed that whoever will have it will love to take care of the heart, the heart that loved her but soon is with some people's chest.

"Ella?" Mommy Sandy nudge her when she became silent. She hugged her.

"I'm OK Mom, I just remembered that day. That man brought in the hospital where Ryun was brought too and---, anyway Ryun has helped someone's life extended." She said wiping the tears in her eyes.

"That's true, and I'm sure that someone who has Ryun's heart will take care of Ryun's heart."Mommy Sandy's voice also sounded sad.

"Okay Ladies, now that Ella is here shall we have a little get together?" Daddy Garreth said, changing the mood.

"Oh well, my dear husband that's a great idea. I'll tell them now. Come with me, Ella." Said the woman, she smiled at the idea of her husband.

They went to the workers and told them that they will be having a party tomorrow after five.

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