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Six months later. The winery and resort finally in operation. And even the new cottages and cabin that Ella proposed to the Farlow are finally established.

And now the most awaited moment finally arrived. Their wedding day of course.

He's the happiest man alive thinking of how God loved him. He let him live by giving him Ryun's heart. His borrowed heart.

He was right that his own mother will love Ella too. He remembered how his mother said when he introduced her to his mother.

"You're so beautiful, you are my son's match, you are his soulmate. When I saw you on TV with my son I prayed that he will fall in love with you."

He smiled how his mother said that. Now is the moment he waited.

Standing in front waiting for the arrival of his bride to meet him in front.

When all the flower girls and ring bearer, as well as the bride's maid and groom's men, finally settled in their place. The music played that made all people wanted to dance, including him. He smiled for the choice of the song his bride chosen as her wedding march.

But he listened to the lyrics. He is in awe of her as she walks down the aisle. She's so beautiful in her simple white wedding dress. She's like an angel walking towards him.

Exactly when the music ended she's in front of him and she sings along with the last words 'I do, I do love you' with all smile.

''I do love you too'' He replied.

"Ehehem" The minister made a sound.

They both chuckled.

"Before we start this ceremony I just want to ask you first. Do you know that there are two kinds of couple that are getting married? One pair is already saved and the other one is about to be. Which one are you two?" The minister said. It caught them off guard. They both been busy with other things and they didn't pay attention to their spirit.

"Are we late?" They both said in unison.

Since the minister is on the microphone, guest also has heard his question and some have raised their hands.

"All of you who have raised your hands, and you too Arvell and Ella. Follow after me." The minister said.

"Jesus, come into my life."
(They followed)

"Be my Lord and Saviour"
(All followed)

"Thank you, Jesus, for saving me."
(Everybody followed)

"Now you all who have said those words and meant it in your heart, you are now the new creation. Where is Jesus now?" The minister asked.

"In my heart." Replied the whole congregation including them.

So the ceremony starts.

When the time comes that the minister pronounced them husband and wife. He claimed his wife's lips and give her a loving kiss. Their family and friends congratulated them.

When it's time to open the gifts they received. They opened the gift of his family first. It's just a brown envelope with a thin small booklet inside he thought. He let Ella opened it. She carefully tear the envelope and when it's finally opened she pulled out the content. She handed it to him.

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