Part 6

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His grave was so neat and tidy. There's a flower in the flower vase, maybe just placed it there yesterday. He looked around and he noticed that his grave seems to be special. There are even tiny flowers tracing the rectangular shape of his grave.

"His fiancée never forget to visit him every day and spend time with him. She will come here early in the morning and only leave before 6 pm for work. She's a nurse at the hospital where he brought him but unfortunately, he was already dead on arrival. Soon, Ella will be here." The old man said.

"That's very devoted love." He commented. 

What about them and Candice, are they devoted to each other? They have survived, right? Well, maybe they are. And after this, he will marry her Candice.

"Yes, they're supposed to get married after the match but accident happen and here he is lying under this piece of land." The old man said sadly. He might be known him.

"Do you know him?" He asked.

"All my life, I know him and Ella. When Ella lost her parents Ryun was been with her. They came here together to visit Ella's parents grave. Now only Ella came and also visited his grave." The man said, his hoarse voice didn't escape from his ear.

"Ella will be here soon. Are you their friend?" The old man asked him.

"Long time friend, I just come back from overseas." He lied.

"I see, Ella will be here soon. I'll start to work now. Nice to meet you." The old man said and left.

He stood there, he doesn't know what to say or do. He remembered that he came to thank him for his heart.

"Man, I'm not good at this, but I come to say thank you for your heart. Thank you for extending my life. Hope that I'll find peace soon." He said.

He turned to leave his grave but he changed his mind, maybe this is the best time to meet her personally so he waited. He was sitting in the grass for about forty-five minutes but there's no Ella yet. He stood up to leave but he saw the woman approaching. It must be her.

He quickly moved to other's grave and pretended to do something. He sat there and wait until the woman reached Ryun's grave. He watched her indirectly.
"Hello, sweetheart! Hope everything's fine, here, I took this flower from the garden, they never stop giving me a flower to bring for you. Sorry if I'm late today, I went to your parent's house--- I decided to join the ranch. Well, you have to thank Dolly for shaking my head." She said with a slight chuckles

She has a sweet voice that his heart recognizes it. He felt happy with what she's saying.

"Dad and Mom were ecstatic when I told them my decision. They said that I belong there. So I guess there's no turning back. I will continue what is supposed to be your duty to the ranch. I'll continue your dream about it. Dad and Mom will be there for me. Actually, the other reason why I'm late is that I made my resignation letter. Effective today. Happy Sweetheart? I'm sure you are."

The old was right, she's talking to his grave and can he stay there until she finishes talking. It's only 8 in the morning and her with leave before 6. He's not going to do that.

But he likes what he's hearing, it's like music to him. Does she notice him? Maybe not because she never turns and looks around. Her concentration is in the grave.
Her hand is tracing the letters in the tombstone while talking.

So she called his parents Dad and Mom. They might have loved her quite long. And now that their own son has gone for sure they will love her even more. He recalled about the treatment of his parents to Candice. Do they love her too?

This woman only two meters away is lucky to have such supportive and loving in-laws. In his research, Ryun's family owns a massive ranch that produces the best variety of cattle and oil. And this woman is an orphan. The daughter of one of the ranch worker. He admired their family. They were a good family. He doesn't know what will his family thinks if Candice is an orphan too? Are they going to accept her? What if Candice is not his father's best friend's daughter. He doesn't know how his parents outlook with regards to the less fortunate like this woman. Well, she's not because she has loving people around her.

He looks at her again. She's reading a book to him. She's a sweet one he ever saw. Is she also like that to him when he's alive? He never had an experience like that, that someone is reading for him. It's not that he doesn't know how to read but seeing her reading books to the grave? Any man will be envied him.

"What do you think about this book sweetheart? Of course, you like it, you asked me to read it for you every day after dinner." She said.

Of course, any man will like it. He imagining their position while she's reading the book. His head might be her lap.

"You're my inspiration writing this sweetheart. You always believe in me." She said in
a sad voice.

He heard her said it. She wrote the book she's reading. She's not an ordinary woman. She's a writer.

"I'm actually almost going to finish the book I told you, you have seen it right, but you're not there for me to be my critique. I don't know when will I can write again. Without you here it's not the same." She continues talking.

He thinks that he has to go now. He has seen enough for today. He will go to the Farlow family. He got up and shake off the grass that sticks to his pants.

Her eyes traded at him. She lifted her gazed for the first time in many hours. That piercing grey eyes that's stared at him in his dreams.

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