Didn't We Almost Have it All?

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Chapter Thirty-Seven: Didn't We Almost Have it All?

"I thought I was gonna hate this party game thing, but it's kinda great." Cristina rested her chin on the coffee table as we all looked at Meredith as she stood in front of us, dressed in  wedding dress made out of toilet paper. "Can we set her on fire after?"

"No, we cannot." Meredith frowned at her. 

"No more margaritas for Cristina." I told Izzie.

"Okay, these wedding vows are not all gonna fit on here." Callie said as she continued to write on Cristina's hand. 

"Okay, then write smaller." Cristina laughed, drunk.

"Be still, please." Callie gripped her wrist with her free hand. ""Vow" just became "cow.""

"You don't need vows on your hand." Izzie shook her head. "When you get up there, just speak from the heart."

"The heart is an organ." Cristina rolled her eyes. "It pumps, it circulates blood, it gets clogged from time to time. It does not, however, speak. It doesn't have tiny little lips on it."

"Well, you're all "glass totally empty."" Izzie muttered. 

"I'm gonna like being married." Cristina insisted. "It's the wedding part that's ridiculous."

"Party's over." I declared as all of our pagers started going off, everyone's except Cristina's.

"Hey, mine didn't go off." Cristina frowned. "Piece of crap."


"Burke." Cristina got his attention as we all walked into the ER.

"I've got a surgery, but it shouldn't take more than four hours, five tops." Burke told her as I spotted Joe and Walter standing next to a bed that held a young pregnant woman.

"I can scrub in." Cristina offered.

"How's Rina?" Addison asked as she joined us.

"Is that Joe and Walter's possible baby mother?" I frowned at her and she nodded. 

"I need to get a CT angio, but I'm pretty sure it's a tear in her aorta." Burke informed Addison. "Her heart is about to blow."

"Most dissecting aortas burst within forty-eight hours." Addison pointed out. 

"Which means we have less than twelve hours to fix it before she's dead." Burke nodded.

"So you need me to get the babies out." Addison guessed. 

"So I can save her life." Burke nodded.

"You have an aortic dissection?" Cristina asked as she pulled her hair up into a ponytail. 

"Hey, I promise I will make it to the chapel in time." Burke promised her, giving her a quick kiss before he walked away, Bailey replacing him. 

"Okay. Listen up." Bailey told all of us. "Uh, O'Malley and Watley, you're with Shepherd and Sloan. Stevens, you're with Burke. Karev, Addison. Go."

George and I both didn't hesitate to walk away as we headed towards the trauma room where Mark and Derek were working in to find them with the fourth hiker, a climbing ax in his head.


"Poor guy, he just wanted to climb a mountain, and he ends up with an ax in his head." George commented as we stood in on the fourth hiker's surgery with Derek. 

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