•Chapter 1.1•

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- May Death Do Us Part -

Children running down the corridors of Hogwarts getting ready to leave for Christmas break. Gabriella and James were side by side as they were discussing when she would be able to go over to James' house to work on my animigus form.

Gabriella gave a letter to her family, but they never replied back giving her an off put feeling, but she dismissed it thinking they were at work again. She smiled as Sirius, Remus, and Peter tackled James to the floor. "I'll see you after the train ride. I'll probably use the floo network." Gabriella told them while heading on the train.

"Okay! See you soon!" James yelled while trying to get his friends off of him. Gabriella just laughed at his misery and went into a compartment with Lily and Marlene waiting to see her family.


Gabriella's POV

I started to get off the train when I heard voices calling for me. I turned around to be trampled by red hair. "You didn't say goodbye!" She screeched in my ear causing me to wince slightly.

"Well, I did at Hogwarts, but I guess I can do it again." I chuckled at her while she playfully glared at me.

"Haha, you're so funny Gabby." I smiled and hugged her back.

"I'm going to miss you too." She smiled and let go while getting ready to see her parents.

"Thank you for pushing me to date James, by the way." She mumbled while a blush took her cheeks.

I smirked and gave her a knowing look. "I knew you liked him." I rubbed in her face. She was about to say something until her parents called her over and she smirked.

"I will find someone for you also, Rodgers." I rolled my eyes.

"You can try." I yelled back and she winked at me and I laughed at her.

That's when Marlene came up behind me and hugged me from behind. "I'm going to miss you Gab Gab."

I groaned at the new nickname. "Uh, you know I hate that name." She just hugged me tighter and I smiled at her. "I'm going to miss you too Marls."

She laughed and saw her father coming her way. "Well, I'll give you your present by owl. Hope to see you back at Hogwarts!" I smiled and laughed at her.

"I will Mars!" She rolled her eyes and walked away with her father while I looked around for my parents.

"Where are they?" I mumbled to myself and saw no one around. I looked up at the clock to see it was six at night and I grabbed my luggage and started walking my way home having my stomach twist in turn with nerves.


When I finally got to my house I saw the front door knocked off its hinges and I quickly rushed inside. And that's when I saw it. The blood. I saw blood was splattered around the walls and floor causing the metallic smell of it to fill my nose.

Tears were running down my face as I looked around to find my mothers body dangled on the wall with 'Mudblood' smeared in blood. I screamed and got her body down with tears falling down my red face.

"Please, please, mommy wake up. You can't be dead, please..." I looked up to the ceiling with anger and sadness washing over me. "MOM!" I screamed in pain while holding her bloody body to my chest.

After a while I let her go and closed her eyes peacefully. "I love you..." I mumbled and walked into the living room to find my fathers body on the ground.

I covered my mouth from screaming and I grabbed his bloody hand. "Please don't leave me alone. I- I don't know what to do." I pleaded and looked down to see a piece of paper with words written on it.

I sniffled and grabbed it quickly. I started reading it out loud. "Dearest Gabriella, of course you can go over to James' house for Christmas, as long as it's not just you and him." I chuckled sadly at my mothers protectiveness. "We will see you after school and we both love you very much. Please keep in touch with us. Love your mother, Vanessa."

I wiped my face with any tears left over and started grabbing everything that belonged to me and quickly got ready to leave for James.

With every belonging I had I went over to my mother and grabbed her locket from her neck. With one last tear running down my face I grabbed my wand. With a wave and flick I appeared to his house and fell on the floor with sobs escaping my throat.

Someone grabbed me and quickly pulled me to their chest. "Gabby! What happened?" James' words were all mumbled and he stuttered looking at all the blood over my hands and clothes.

"Their dead... MY PARENTS ARE DEAD!" I screamed as he tried to comfort me as I sobbed into his chest. "Please make it go away..." I pleaded and he looked me in the eyes with confusion.

"Make what go away?" I quickly hugged myself into his chest as my heart started to hurt.

"The pain! Please make the pain go away!" I sobbed and he just held me as if I would break at any moment.

But the truth is, I was already broken.


Well, I think I actually cried, because of this chapter. Sorry if it also made you cry, but it had to be done. Please leave a Comment, Vote, and Follow. Thanks❤️❤️❤️

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