•Chapter 4.0•

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- The Order Of The Phoenix -

Students crying down the hallways over loved ones or best friends that have died in the cross fire of Hogwarts Students and Death Eaters. Gabriella looked everywhere for her friends, or even James. Tears sprung in her eyes as she couldn't find anyone.

She rushed over to Professor McGonagall and caught her attention. "Have you seen Sirius, James, Remus, Peter, or Marlene?" I asked and she sighed looking at me

"They're in the hospital wing. Miss McKinnon was hit with a stinging jinx." She said and I quickly went to the over to the Hospital Wing.

Gabriella ran over to a head of messy black hair and hugged on him for dear life. "I thought you were hurt, or gone." She whispered in his ear and James hugged her back.

"I'm not. I'm okay." He whispered and her eyes wandered over to Sirius who was bleeding on his knuckles. And Remus looked tired above all. While Peter looked terrified.

Then her green eyes wandered over to Marlene who was worse of all. She was pale and sweating with shivering. Her face was swollen into a plum and red with her struggle to breath.

Gabriella covered her mouth with her hand to suppress a sob. "W-who?" She asked weakly.

Remus sighed and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Bellatrix." He mumbled and anger flowed through her veins.

"A student?" Gabriella asked and they all nod their heads slowly.

Her jaw clenched and her hands turned into fists as she shook. James went over to her. "Gabriella, she's fine now-" Gabriella cut him off.

"Fine! You think that is fine!" She blew up into hysterics. "She can barely breath, and she looks like an over sized watermelon!" She stated and started crying. "I lost my parents, then Lily. I can't lose anyone else..." She mumbled and James held her.

"I know. I'm right here." He said and she cried into his shoulder.

"No it's not. It never is with me."


Gabriella's POV

We were all seated in the Great Hall as Dumbledore and the rest of the teachers were standing up the podium. Everyone was silent, not daring to speak to one another. I sat next to Alex, Quinn, and the Marauders.

"Students." Dumbledore started as students were crying and not speaking. "As we all know, there was an attack tonight. No one was expecting it, and you are all wondering who did this. Voldemort's-" people gasped while I rolled my eyes.

"It's just a name." I mumbled and Dumbledore's eyes twinkled when he looked over me.

"Fear of the name, creates fear of the thing itself." He said. "Now, as it seems, we are going to keep going under attack so we are going to cancel the school year." Students started yelling saying that thy could handle another attack. "And I would like to speak to a couple of my fellow seventh years. Sirius Black, Alex Young, Remus Lupin, Quinn Vane, Peter Pettigrew, James Potter, and Gabriella Rodgers." He stated calmly and I furrowed my eyebrows.

Why would he want all of us? I questioned myself and took James' hand. "Do you know why he wants us?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No idea, hopefully nothing too extreme. He is Dumbledore after all." He said and we walked up to the gargoyle statue. "Honey Lemons." He mumbled and the gargoyle moved up to show stairs.

We followed the stairs up and to the great big door. I knocked on it and waited as the doors opened slowly.

Dumbledore was facing the window and we all stayed over to his desk waiting for him to speak. "You called us sir." Alex mumbled and he looked at us with a smile.

"I was wondering if you all wanted a chance to help me in saving the wizards and witches from The Dark Lord." He said in his mystical voice and I smiled at the idea.

"Really?" I asked in amazement. He chuckled and nods his head.

"Yes. You are all the age of 17 now. It's your decision." He said and walked over to the door. "I will wait for what ever you all decide on." He said and stepped out of the room for a moment.

I looked at everyone. "I'm joining." I stated and everyone looked at me as if in crazy.

"No! Gabby, I get you want to stop him, but what will the outcome be in the future." James said while I shook my head.

"This is my decision. Either you are with me or against me." I said and he sighed while looking at his best friends.

He sighed and started holding his hand out. "I'm in as well." He said and Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Fine, fine. I'll be in." He said and put his hand on ours. Then Alex did while giving Sirius a kiss on his cheek. "I'll be with you."

Then Remus and Quinn at the same time did it while smiling. "I won't leave you guys now." Remus chuckled and Quinn smiled.

"I can help with people on both sides." She stated and the. We all looked over Peter.

He took a step back. "I don't think this is a good idea." He mumbled and we all looked at him funny. "I don't want to. It's not going to do anything." He said and then Dumbledore stepped in the room as Peter ran out of the room.

I sighed. "We're ready." I said and he smiled.

"Good. Welcome to the Order of The Phoenix."


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