•Chapter 4.7•

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- Baby Names -

Gabriella and James were on their way to the Potter Mansion where Sirius, Alex, Remus, Quinn, and Marlene were waiting for them after a month of there Honeymoon.

Sirius had Alex's feet in his lap while he thought about the newly weds. "Do you guys think Gabby's pregnant?" He asked while Alex rolled her eyes.

"I say yes, but at the same time she didn't want to have a baby during all the war stuff going on, so..." Alex finished with waving her hand in a circle.

Quinn chuckled. "I hope so! I would be a great Aunt for the little girl." She squealed in excitement while Remus put an arm around her shoulders.

"Um, what if it's a boy?" Marlene said cutting in. "I would like for it to be a boy." She finished with a smirk.

Sirius nodded his head in agreement. "I would like them to have a boy as well." He cut in and Alex glared at him.

"Why not a girl?" She asked venomously and Sirius gulped.

"U-um because if it was a girl, she couldn't play Quidditch." He mumbled and Marlene raised her fist about to hit him, but Alex beat her to it.

"Girls play Quidditch too Sirius!" She yelled at him making him wince.

"Well, not when she's so tiny!" He argued back and the group of friends started arguing and yelling.


Gabriella's POV

We were up at the front porch to hear yelling inside. I sighed and looked over at James who was smiling. "Hmm... Wonder who that could be?" He asked sarcastically.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "Let's go inside and see what they're arguing about."

James laughed with me and opened the door to see Alex and Sirius yelling at each other while she was smacking his head over and over again. Quinn and Marlene were laughing at the while thing while Remus just shook his head in embarrassment for his friends.

I cleared my throat and everyone stopped and looked over at me and James. Then they looked at my stomach which as grown a little bit, but now you could certainly tell I was pregnant.

"Don't stare at my belly!" I yelled and Marlene, Alex, and Quinn were the first to run up to me and hug me.

"Oh, is it a girl?"

"When did you get pregnant?"

"I'm so happy for you!" They all squealed and I chuckled at there excitement.

"I won't know the gender yet, I was pregnant since Christmas, and thanks Quinn." I said and they all looked at me crazily.

"What?" I asked and Marlene shook her head.

"Dang, you got pregnant, before you got married." She said and I smack her arm.

"Not funny." I said and James came up to my side and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"It's actually quiet funny." He said while everyone laughed while I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. It's still your fault." I whispered and Sirius came up to me while patting my stomach.

"Wow, Gabby, you have really put on some weight." He said teasingly while I smacked his hand away.

"That's because there's a baby in my tummy, Sirius." I said in a baby voice and he rolled his eyes while smirking.

"You're still fat." I bit my lip and got ready to pounce on him, but James and Remus stopped me.

"Not good for the baby." James said while I took a deep breath and glared at him.

"I'll get you in 6 months." I finished and he laughed.

"You won't remember." He snickered while I growled at him.

"Wanna bet?" And Remus got in the middle of us.

"Okay, how about we just have a nice pizza dinner?" He said and everyone nods their heads.


After dinner I was laying down on the bed with my journal in between my legs as I started writing down my little messages.

James stepped out of the bathroom while drying his hair off. He looked over me as I started smiling slightly. "Why are you all smiley?" He asked while taking his seat on the bed.

I kept smiling and looked up at him. "I'm using your journal to good use." I said and he chuckled while looking at what I wrote.

"Dear Harry/Haylee?" He asked and I chuckled.

"I thought of the names. If it's a boy, Harry James Potter." James smiled at that, but then looked confused.

"Why not James Harry Potter?" I rolled my eyes.

"Because I want Marlene to have her nephew to be named what she wants." I said and he laughed while pulling me into his chest.

"And what if a girl?" He asked and kissed my temple.

"Haylee Lily Potter." I finished and he smiled sadly.

"I like both of them." He said and I out my journal on the bedside table.


There are the names you guys! Oh I'm so excited because this book is almost over, so I can start on the next one! Please leave a Comment, Vote, and Follow! Thanks❤️❤️❤️

< Edited >

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