•Chapter 5.0•

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- Death May Do Us Part -

Haylee's and Harry's 1st Birthday

Everyone was gathered around the twins when they were giving little gifts for their birthday. Haylee's eyes were now a vibrant blue and turned dark grey when ever she was angry, and with her hair looking like Gabriella's brown hair.

Harry's eyes were green as Gabriella's that reminded James of a meadow filled with grass. His hair finally grew into dark black hair that was never tame able.

Quinn smiled down at Haylee who was gurgling at a toy in her hand and Remus looked over at the two. "Now, she will want one." He breathed out to Sirius and James as they chuckled at the werewolf.

"Well, just be a man and marry her." James said while Sirius snorted.

"Like you did. 'Oh what if Gabby finds out? What if she says no?'" Sirius mimicked him as he shoved his shoulder.

"Not funny." He mumbled and blushed slight out of embarrassment. Gabriella smiled at them and looked over Alex, Quinn and Marlene.

"Do you think we'll be okay?" She asked while Harry grabbed at Gabriella's necklace.

Marlene rolled her eyes. "You shouldn't be thinking about the war, Gabby. You have kids and a husband now." She said trying to cheer her friend up.

Quinn held Haylee while she giggled at the blonde. "Maybe Gabby has a point though." She said sadly and Gabriella sighed.

"I-I don't know. I just keep getting messages from Dumbledore saying to stay inside and all that stuff." She mumbled and Alex took Harry for her.

"Gabby, get your head out of the ground and look at what you got. A nice house, with lovely kids and a great husband that loves you. That's all everyone ever wants now a days." Alex said while she looked at Harry with a smile.

"M-maybe." She stuttered and looked back over at James when he laughed and clutched his stomach.

Marlene kneeled down at her. "Everything is going to be fine. I'll make sure of that, okay." She said and hugged her while Gabriella sighed.

"Okay, thanks." She mumbled. But she knew something was going to happen tonight and it wasn't going to be good.


Gabriella held Harry as she tried to rock him to sleep. He just kept smiling at her and messing with her necklace. She laughed at the boy and James came right behind her and kissed her neck slightly.

"We should have more." He mumbled and Gabriella laughed at him sarcastically.

"I don't think you are the one to decide that. I'm the one that went through the pain." She reminded him and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"I got my hand broken in two places." He said and Harry smiled at his parents and the Haylee started whimpering slightly causing James to get her.

"They are perfect though." She said and watched as Harry's eyes started to flutter close and Haylee giggled at James.

"Because you had some help." James said with a smirk and Gabriella chuckled and put Harry down in his crib and pulled a blanket over him.

"Oh really?" She teased and went over to James face. Haylee yawned and James smiled at her.

"Yes, really." He said while placing her in her crib.

Gabriella chuckled at him. "I love you." She mumbled and he went over to her.

"I love you too." He whispered and kissed her lips softly.

Soon enough the moment was ruined when there was shouting and screaming just outside the house. Gabriella pulled away and looked out the window to see figures with black cloaks around their bodies.

Her eyes widened as she tried to go out of the room, but James stopped her. "No, you are going to stay here with the children, okay."

Gabriella shook her head. "No! I'm not going to let you die!" She yelled at him causing the children to scream.

James looked at her with said eyes. "I don't want you to die either. So please for me." He asked slightly while tears spilled down Gabriella's cheeks.

She flinched when the sound of the front door broke open. "Go..." She mumbled and he rushed out of the room with his wand in hand.

Gabriella grabbed Harry first and that when she could hear the spells being fired around her. She quickly went over to Haylee when the door opened to reveal Voldemort himself.

Gabriella held on the two as he smirked over at the now widowed mother. "Gabriella." His voice hissed out causing her to tighten her hold. "Finally found you. It took us so long."

She clenched her jaw and looked over him. "What do you want?" She said venomously and he chuckled at her.

"For you to join us of course. Only, unlike your father, you will stay forever." He grinned at the woman causing her to narrow her eyes.

"Never!" She spat at him and he clicked his tongue.

"Now, Gabriella, think this through, you really want your children to die tonight. The blood traitor is already gone." He said slyly and tears threatened to fall again.

"No! You will never take my family away." She said and he walked over to her.

"You imbecile, you've been corrupted." He hissed and she glared at him. "Advada Kadarva!" He yelled causing a green light to hit Gabriella's chest as she screamed in pain and her limp body fell to the floor.

Harry and Haylee could only cry as their innocent eyes watched their mother die in front of them. Voldemort then raised his wand at the two children.

He gave a sinister smirk while casting the spell again, only for it to rebound at off them and hit the Dark Lord himself as he screamed in pain and vanished into thin air.

Harry cried in pain as a lightning bolt was formed on his forehead and Haylee wailed as her chocolate brown hair turned pale white in front of their mothers dead bodies.

Soon a half giant rushed into the house to show James Potter on the stairs wide eyed and pale. He went to the babies room and saw Gabriella there limp and cold.

He picked up the children quickly and went off to his bike and off into the night sky.


That is the end of Dying Heart... I'm kinda sad and kinda excited for then next book. If you didn't figure it out it will be out Haylee. So please leave a Comment, Vote, and Follow! Thanks you all so much for reading!❤️❤️❤️❤️

< Edited >

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