Okay so we've already been through this

1.6K 123 55

So like haiiii guys YOUR FACE jks jks

1. I speak a lot of bullshit

2. YOUR FACE is a lot of bullshit

3. Kylo Ren's hair is gold

4. Daernys or however you spell it is QUEEN OKAY SHE WILL RULE THE SEVEN KINGDOMS

5. I will probably re-rant about some issues which don't seem to have been addressed


7. Sorry if I offend you, I can give you tissues if you cry jks jks I don't care jks jks course I do, we are all humans spread the love yay

You should definitely eat YOUR FACE


I love u k bye now


Why Wattpad Drives Me Crazy - Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now