23| The Chronicles of Wattpad: THEY DONE IT AGAIN!

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Heya, sorry for being all MIA, I was flying back home. Like I was in the air for at least thirteen hours.

Btw, for those of you reading Toxic, what are your thoughts?! Your comments are amazing tbh😂😂


So as the chapter title says, The Chronicles of Wattpad are back, and I think I'm at the point where it's so ridiculous that it's funny.

The new update:

So what I'm getting from this is that Update is cheating on Notes!!!

К сожалению, это изображение не соответствует нашим правилам. Чтобы продолжить публикацию, пожалуйста, удалите изображение или загрузите другое.

So what I'm getting from this is that Update is cheating on Notes!!!


And not even that. With Android Notes. Like, SHIT MAN!!! You know, the one with "curves in all the right places." OH MY!


How horrible must Apple Notes feel! She was so ready to see him!!! She loved him fam, and he just went ahead and cheated on her with Android Notes!!!!

Why is Update such a jerk!!!

I'm crying right now, it's so sad!!

(What he says after is boring af stuff about updates so I won't screen shot it, but then after he speaks,) Apple Notes is like:-

(What he says after is boring af stuff about updates so I won't screen shot it, but then after he speaks,) Apple Notes is like:-

К сожалению, это изображение не соответствует нашим правилам. Чтобы продолжить публикацию, пожалуйста, удалите изображение или загрузите другое.

"Are feelings only meant for fools?"

"Are feelings only meant for fools?"

"Are feelings only meant for fools" awwww poor Apple Notes!!!!!!!

You aren't a fool!! But you know what you are?!!

You are damn Shakespeare, girl. What a line man!!!! "Are feelings only meant for fools" Wow!!!! So amazing.

I can't wait to see what happens next omg!!!! Who will win?!!! Apple Notes or Update Notes?!!!

Tune in next time! Coz Genie will definitely be on it pouring her sarcastic comments all over its stupid ass ego.


Olympics have started yay

Go Kenyaaaa 🇰🇪

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