Chapter 3

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Today me, Eva, and Jojo are going to NXT to train. We start with simple training exercises. Then me, Eva, and Jojo got to show off the skills we have been learning by actually having a practice match in the ring.

Then we practice body slams. It's not my turn yet so I talk to one of the other girls that I don't know as well because she started talking to me. Suddenly I hear someone say. "Jojo! Shit what happened? Get the trainer!" Oh crap is Jojo hurt? Picnic flew through me and not just cause she's my best friend. Oh crap am I getting a crush on Jojo too? I can't be she's my best friend and I have way too many crushes already. But even if I do it's not like I do anything about my crushes. I'm way to shy for that.

It turned out Jojo got a small concussion and will have to be out of the ring for a week. I feel so bad for her.

Now it's the next day and we are back at home just relaxing. Suddenly a knock comes to the door and Jojo goes to get it. It's her boyfriend. Some guy named Sebastian. Jojo says she has known him since they were kids. Good I'm glad she has a boyfriend. Maybe it will stop my stupid crush on her. Now she is going to the beach with him and I'm staying with Eva.

When they get back from the beach something happens and they break up. Jojo is crying and I want to comfort her but her boyfriend is still here.

Later after her boyfriend is gone I lay with Jojo and rub her back to calm her down. In the morning me, Eva, and Jojo get ready go to training at nxt. Jojo can't train because of her concussion so she has to sit out and watch.

Few days later we are at Raw in Kansas City Missouri. I hang out with Eva and Jojo and watch the matches. After that we go back to the hotel and get some sleep.

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