Chapter 5

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Today me, Eva, and Jojo are going to the gym. When we get down there we see Roman Reigns and go over to say hi. As we introduced ourselves to Roman I start to think Roman and Jojo might be cute together and my crush on them fades away. Soon he goes back to his work out and we go back to ours.

Days later and now we are in Calgary Alberta Canada for Monday night raw.

The next day after raw I fly with my sisters to California. We are going to see our Nana. It's great to be there and see my Nana and my younger brother JJ again. Nana and Papa had helped to raise my brother, sisters, and I when we were kids. Papa died 6 years ago and only Nana is left. I eat with my family and enjoy my time with them.

The next day we go to visit Papa's grave. I miss him so much and I wish he was still here.

The next day I leave and fly back to my home in Tampa Florida. I promised Eva and Jojo I would go go carting with them. They invited Cameron and Naomi to join us. I didn't expect that but it's ok I guess. I just hope they don't fight the whole time.

After our mini race Noami was in 5th, Jojo in 4th, me in 3rd, Eva in 2nd, and stupid Cameron in 1st. I honestly can't stand her and the way she acts.

Now it is Monday night raw and Cameron and Noami are still fighting. Now they have to talk to Stephanie about it.

I don't really care what happens to them to be honest. I go off with Jojo and we watch the Shield's match.

After raw we go back to the hotel and sleep.

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