Chapter 59

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3 months later

"These are the house rules. It's very simple. Respect the house as if it was your own. Change your old habits and respect ours. Formal dinner once every week on Wednesday. Every morning we will have coffee together at 7 am and every evening after dinner at 7 we will have a fire outside. Make your bed everyday and do your own laundry. Do you have any questions?" John asks. 'Yes at what point can I kill myself.' I thought in my head. And this is how I found myself living with my mom, my mom's fiancé, my brother JJ, Brie, Daniel, John, Nikki, Ivy, and two dogs all in John and Nikki's house. Please kill me now.

But this all started mouths ago when Nikki was diva's champion. She hurt her neck and had to get surgery. So to help her out after surgery she asked us all to move in with her. So this is how I found myself living here in this awkward situation.

When Nikki was having her surgery we all went together as a family. After her surgery me, JJ, Brie, and Daniel all moved from our home and into John and Nikki's. We would all be living here for 3 months. John also has a no shoes inside rule so when we arrived we all took our shoes off. Expect for the formal dinner is the only time we actually can wear shoes. I hate all the rules here already. I'm not some spoiled little princess who needs to be told what to do. And another thing is I don't wear dresses. For our first dinner together as a family I wore extremely casual clothes. Everyone was clearly mad and gave me dirty looks but I didn't care. I'm not dressing up no matter what.

2 days later I'm out relaxing in the pool with JJ, Nikki, and John. Josie Brie's dog is out here too. Josie keeps barking at John when finally she bites his leg. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my whole life.

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