Chapter 69

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Today I walked by Paige in the hallway and I over heard her talking to that slut I hate Renee and I heard Paige say that she's really serious and in love with Alberto Del Rio now. My heart felt completely broken. I walked away with my head down.

But a few days later Seth invited me, Brie, Daniel, and Nikki to him and Dean's new house in Los Vegas but unfortunately Nikki invited Renee even though she knows Seth has problems with Renee because Renee always flirts with Dean. It's so annoying. Anyway next weekend we will be spending the weekend with them.

But I also found out Lana is going dress shopping for her wedding to Rusev. I don't know why she would even marry him it's not like he's even nice to her or anything like that. He's a total jerk to her. He's so selfish and only cares about himself and his body. He doesn't care about Lana or her thoughts and feelings at all. Plus Lana's mom, dad, brother, and sister are forced to live with Lana and Rusev because they were kick out of their old home in Russian where Lana grow up. But Rusev isn't even nice to them and Rusev's stupid mom is trying to force them to have a Bulgarian wedding and all Lana wants is a beach wedding in California. I feel so bad for her. She told me all this during our wrestling training session this week. The thing is is that I'm in love with her but I can't tell her cause she's marrying Rusev plus I'm still confused about my old feelings for Paige. But I can't stop imagining myself standing up at Lana's wedding and professing my love to her and us running away together.

Now it's the weekend and we all arrived to Seth and Dean's house.

The next day after we arrived we decided to go dirt biking expect for Nikki and Seth who had to stay behind at the house because of their injuries.

But the next day we decided to have a girls day and all went to the pool to hang out. So Daniel stayed back at the house with Dean and Seth. Renee wasn't too bad. Every time she tried to flirt with Dean we stopped her.

But the next day m the weekend was over and we had to go back to work. At work I found out from Lana that she is having an American and Bulgarian wedding.

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