Chapter 55

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2 weeks later

For two weeks I stayed in my apartment never leaving. I didn't go to work for fear of seeing Paige there and having to be faced with the disappointment of our breakup all over again. Not that I didn't feel like I was reliving it every second of every passing day anyway as it is. I couldn't eat or sleep. I was really sick by this point and probably close to death. Which would have been fine by me. And I probably would have died too if my sister Brie hadn't found me. I hadn't answered my phone or even looked at it in two weeks for fear of seeing the pictures of me and Paige I still had all over it. Brie had become so worried about me she decided to come check on me found me almost dead. So she decided to make me stay with her and Daniel in Phoenix Arizona for awhile.

1 week later

After Brie and Daniel pretty much nursed me back to health they decided I was well enough to come on the family vacation/ trip they had planned to Sedona Arizona. It would be me, Daniel, Brie, my older brother JJ, and JJ's wife so far. Nikki couldn't come because she was going to rehab for her neck at the time and John was helping her through it.

We soon got to the beautiful house Daniel and Brie had rented for all of us to stay in. It was absolutely beautiful and amazing. It even had a pool out back. But the only problem is is that little did I know but Brie invited her super annoying friend Renee Young. I hate Renee so much! She's so annoying. But luckily Daniel invited his friends Dean and Seth, who are married, to come along too. But two problems with that are: one Renee is big time in love with Dean Ambrose but Dean is clearly gay and married to Seth Rollins. And two: poor Seth just really badly hurt his knee like two weeks ago on live event in England. He tore his ACL, MCL, and medial meniscus really badly and just had to have surgery so he is still very sore and limping around pretty badly on crutches.

That night we have a very healthy meal and I love it. It's so good.

The next day we go to this spiritual Tepee. Seth doesn't come because of his knee. So the whole car ride there Renee flirts with Dean and Dean tries his best to ignore her. It was so annoying. But at least the tepee was relaxing and spiritual.

That night we had a really nice dinner and next morning we decided to just hang out and relax.

That night was our last night and everyone just hung out in the pool and had fun. Expect for poor Seth who couldn't come in the pool because he can't get his knee wet. But Seth just sat on the side and watches us swim.

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