Chapter 28

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Today Nikki invited me, Brie, mom, and JJ over to see her and John's house in Florida. I've seen it before but mom and JJ haven't. The house is still huge and beautiful.

Now it's a few days later and we are in Houston Texas for Monday night Raw. I'm watching backstage. I see Stephanie in the ring and she looks beautiful but also upset about something. Brie gets in the ring and tells Stephanie she wants to fight her at Summer Slam. Stephanie starts crying because she is so scared to fight. "I haven't fought in over 10 years." Stephanie cries. I feel so bad for her and I'm mad at Brie for making her do this even if it is just a storyline. I growl a bit. Stephanie agrees to give Brie the match and slaps her. Brie gets mad and attacks Stephanie. Stephanie looks hurt. Security comes out to separate them and Triple H comes out too. They pull Stephanie and Brie away from each other and drag them backstage. I have to fight the urge to run to Stephanie.

After raw I met up with some of the girls at the hotel restaurant for dinner. I don't mention what happened with Stephanie earlier.

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