Chapter 15

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Today we are in New Orleans for Monday Night Raw. I traveled with Nikki and Brie so I come in with them. We go to catering first to get something to eat. Nikki thinks she might be pregnant so we are going with her to take a pregnancy test after we eat.

Nikki takes the test and me and Brie wait with her for the results. It turns out Nikki is pregnant. We are all shocked. "Wow um congrats Nikki." Brie said. "What am I gonna do? I can't tell John." Nikki said. "Your going to have to tell him at some point. He'll find out eventually." Brie pointed out. "Congrats Nikki but I um have to um go do something." I said nervous they would find out and also eager to leave. "Where are you going?" Nikki demanded. "I have to see Mark and Jane." I lied but they believed me and let me go.

If I told them what I was really going to do I would never hear the end of it. I got Stephanie a gift for her birthday and I know she is married to Triple H and that she doesn't know even know me but I'm in love with her. I suddenly feel too afraid to give her the gift. It's just a necklace and earrings. I think it would look nice on her. But what if she doesn't like them? I'm too scared.

I hide out for most the night. Then I find out Eva and Jojo get to go out and be a tag team with Natalya. I'm happy for Jojo and I watch the match from my hiding place. They win the match and they all did very good. It was a good match.

It's a few days later and I get a call from Daniel saying he something big planned for Brie and to meet them in Northern California. I of course agree. I never gave Stephanie the gift but maybe someday.

Daniel made this really romance dinner for him and Brie in the woods with his family and her family. He has just proposed to Brie. It's so sweet and I hope to find someone as loving and sweet as Daniel someday. We all walk out of the woods and clap and cheer for Brie and Daniel.

Daniel had told me and Nikki about this weeks ago and asked us to help him plan it and to of course keep it a secret. We of course did and it turned out great!

Nikki has told the family that she is pregnant but she hasn't told John yet. She is afraid because John doesn't want kids.

It's a few days later and now we are in Rosemont Illinois for Monday Night Raw. I go to where the girls are talking and I find out Natalya drunk dialed Stephanie. Natalya walks off mad and then we all talk about Brie's engagement.

Nikki finds out she is cleared to compete and her injury is better but now that she's pregnant she can't wrestle. Nikki isn't sure what to do and hasn't told the wwe she is pregnant yet.

Nikki wrestles in her first match back even though she is pregnant. She tag teamed with Brie and Eva. They won the match and Nikki said she was fine after and that she will tell John when she gets home.

I decided not to give the gift to Stephanie and gave it to Brie instead who loved it. As far as Stephanie goes she will never know I love her. It's safer that way.

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