Chapter 20

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I'm so excited because in a few days me and the other girls are going to Cabo Mexico for Brie's bachelorette party.

It's two days later and we all just got to Cabo. I'm so excited and glad to be here.

We get to this beautiful home that we rented. This home has a beautiful pool that over looks the beach.

After we all unpack and find our rooms, we change to our bikinis and get in the pool.

After swimming in the pool all day, we go out to dinner. At dinner all the girls are getting drinks except me, Eva, and Nikki. The only reason Nikki  isn't is cause she's 6 months pregnant.

After dinner they take us to a bar. Both Eva and I feel uncomfortable around alcohol. Eva and I are not friends since what happened months ago with me her, and Jojo. But I feel close to her now somehow since neither of us is drinking. I don't drink because my father was an alcoholic and so was my ex. I was abused by my ex. I've always been straight edge since I was a teenager.

I see Eva get up and walk away so I follow her. Cameron also follows us thinking something is wrong. We tell Cameron we are going back to the house. Eva and I get a cab and go back. On the ride back I tell her my story with alcohol and she tells me her's. After that we both feel a lot better and closer to each other. We decide to hug and make up for what happened months ago and put that behind us and be friends again.

The next morning after breakfast we all go swimming in the pool expect Eva. I see Eva go in the house and I follow her. I don't want her to be alone or feel left out. I talk to Eva and we decide together to tell the rest of the girls about our pasts and what's gone on in our lives to make us not drink alcohol. When we tell them everyone is very understanding  and nice and no one judges us. I feel closer and more bonded with the rest of the girls now.

The next day we decide to go swimming with dolphins and I'm so excited because I've always wanted to do this.

A few days later our vacation is over. I'm sad to see it end but it was really fun and I think we all had a great time bonding and getting to know each other more.

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