Chapter 35

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Author's note: don't listen to song until the end 😋.

Since Eva had surgery, me Nikki, and Brie decided to go to her house and bring her flowers to cheer her up. She is so happy we came. We all decided to go out to dinner together.

Now it's a few days later and I'm going to brunch with some of the girls. Me, Nikki, Brie, Natalya, Cameron, and Naomi are there. We had a really good time and everything went smoothly.

Now it's the next day and I'm going shopping with two of my best friends Paige and Rosa at this really cute store. We try on super cute outfits and have so much fun.

Now it's night and we are going to Alicia Fox's house to hang out. Paige leaves after a bit to go to the gym but I stay with Alicia and Rosa a bit longer.

Now it's a few nights later and I'm going out to dinner with Alicia, Rosa, and Paige my 3 best friends.

After dinner Paige and I are outside talking. Alicia and Rosa already left. Suddenly Paige kisses me. "What was that for?" I asked. "I like you Leda. I like you a lot." Paige said. "Paige I can't right now." I said and ran off to my car.

I stayed in my apartment for 3 days. I didn't answer my phone or texts. I was confused by Paige kissing me. I liked her a lot but I was in love with Stephanie still.

On the third day I finally read my texts.

Paige: Leda can we please meet to talk?

Leda: ok I'll meet you for coffee

(Play song now if you want 😄)

I meet Paige at this coffee shop. "Why did you really kiss me?" I asked. "Because Leda I really like you. I know your in love with Stephanie but she can't see the way your eyes light when you smile. She never notices how you stop and stare at her whenever she walks by. I want you the way you want her. But your everything to me. Your more than my best friend to me. I just want to show you she doesn't even know you. She's never gonna love you like I want too. All I want is for you to love me the way I love you. Let me love you baby. Let me want you baby. Please Leda let me be your girlfriend." Paige said. I lean across the table and kiss Paige. "Yes." I said.

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