Chapter 43

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1 week later

It's been a week since Wrestlemania and today me and Paige are meeting with Alicia for lunch. Paige and I didn't move to LA but we did decide to move in with Alicia.

Now it's a few days later and as Paige and I were going to start packing we decided that we like our own space and would be better off just the two of us living together. So we are gonna tell Alicia today at work. Alicia was kinda upset when we told her but she tried to understand. Paige and I both felt bad about it afterwards though.

Now it's the next day and Paige and I are going to Alicia's house warming party. Alicia is really drunk and she seems mad at us. We don't stay long.

Now it's work the next day and we don't talk to Alicia much at all. But after work me, Paige, and Emma have to ride with her. I hope this goes well. At first everything was going fine until Alicia had to bring up us not moving in with her. Paige decides to call Naomi so we can ride with her and Jimmy instead. After yelling at Alicia to pull over she finally stops at a gas station. When we get out we are about ready to kill Alicia and poor Emma is terrified. Of course Jimmy is filming the whole thing on his phone. We get our stuff and get in Naomi and Jimmy's car. Thank god we finally make it too the hotel.

Now it's the next day at work and Paige and I need to talk to Alicia cause it totally sucks to be fighting with her and I just want everyone happy and to be friends again. We apologize and talk it out and it turns out Alicia is just jealous that everyone has someone and she is single plus she is still in love with Wade Barrett.

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