Chapter 7

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A few days after Vegas we are in Grand Rapids Michigan for Monday Night Raw. We are going out to breakfast before the show. At breakfast Eva tells us how she is doing this big photo shoot for Maximum. Jojo and I are happy for her but it makes us wonder if we will get a push too.

A few days later we are back home and Jojo is practicing singing. She's really good at singing. Jojo wants to sing for one of the raws, smackdowns, or ppvs. I think it's a great idea but Eva doesn't like it for some reason.

The next morning we go meet Natalya, my sisters, and Cameron for breakfast. Eva talks about Maximum again. I'm already tired of hearing about it. Other than that breakfast went fine.

Days later and we are in Hartford Connecticut at the XL center for Monday Night Raw. Raw is good but right after Eva leaves for Los Angeles California for her Maximum thing.

Jojo and I are happy to have to the house to ourselves for a few days and glad Eva is gone. When she's gets home she expects us to be all happy with her. She thinks we are being too stand offish but it's not that it's just we really don't care. We are happy for her but she is rubbing it in our faces and it's not cool.

In the morning Jojo and I get up early and go to the gym so we can train with Naomi and Jimmy and don't have to see Eva. Noami and Jojo start planning to sing together and I think it's a great idea. Our walkout goes really good too.

Jojo and Noami record a song together and Jane likes the sing. Jojo will get to sing with Noami and Cameron. I feel happy for her but I hope I can find something to do too.

Now it's days later and we are in Detroit Michigan for Monday Night Raw. Jojo, Cameron, and Noami practice their song. I hang around and watch the matches. After that we go back to the hotel and sleep.

Now it's the next day and we are in Charleston South Carolina for Smackdown. Noami, Cameron, and Jojo go out to sing. I watch them sing. It doesn't go very well. Eva is being a selfish bitch saying that is what Jojo gets for not supporting her. I roll my eyes. Eva is really starting to piss me off.

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