Two - I don't remember

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A/N - Sorry it's so short, just bear with me. There's a purpose. ♥

Once the doctor leaves the room I sit there. Why we're they acting so weird? I'm fifteen years old, I live in South Dakota, I... don't I? I don't understand anything.

I rack my brain and try to figure out where I was before I got here. I try to think about what happened to me. I don't know anything. I can't remember anything, what the hell? Just as I start to go into a panic the door opens and my parents rush in. I gasp in relief.

"Mom! Dad!" They rush up to me and hug me, both of their arms squeezing the life out of me. I laugh. 

"Can't... breathe." They let go and chuckle. 

My mom stares at me, and my dad looks away. Why aren't they saying anything? They look upset. 

"What's wrong? The doctor came in and confused me, I'm really... really confused right now, please tell me that you guys can explain why I'm in the hospital in the first place." My mom finally seems to find her voice. 

"Baby, just relax alright? We know that you're confused, and rightfully so, but the doctor needs to do a few things before we tell you anything." She brushes my hair back and smiles reassuringly at me. 

My dad takes my hand between his two large ones, "You'll be fine sweetheart. Everything's going to be okay." 

I finally start to relax, my parents are right. Maybe I'm just over thinking the doctor's weirdness. Everything's fine. 

My mom squeezes my shoulder, "Maybe you should get some rest, honey? It'll be awhile before the doctor comes in and we need you to be rested." 

I nod, suddenly feeling tired. Very tired. I smile at my parents, who smile in return, and close my already fluttering eyes shut. 


We're back in the cafeteria, and we don't know what to do with ourselves. Sara's lost her memory. What do you do in a situation like this? How are you supposed to react? 

I look over at Lea and see tears running down her face. "The last four fucking years! Do you know what that means? She won't remember me! She won't remember Darren, she won't remember... Oh my god! She won't remember the boys! Her fucking boyfriend! Or all of our other friends. She doesn't remember, Chris! She doesn't remember the move to California when she was fifteen, she thinks she's still in South Dakota doesn't she? Fuck!" She puts her head on the table and starts sobbing. Darren puts his arms around her, tears flooding his own cheeks. 

I sit there numb. This can't be fucking happening right now. I feel the wetness slide down my cheeks, but I'm just numb. She'll remember me, but it won't be the same. 

She won't remember almost everything else. So many important memories, gone. I lean back in the hard chair and take a drink of the harsh coffee. 

Darren unravels himself from Lea, and comes to sit next to me. I shake my head, "Don't, please.. I just.." He takes my hands in his and forces me to look at him. 

"Hey, It is okay. It's going to be okay. Are you two forgetting that Dr. Fell said their was an eighty percent chance that she would get her memory back? That's huge! Everything's going to be okay." 

I stare at him. "Yes, he said there's a chance Darren! What happens to that other twenty percent? What if that other twenty percent is actually a huge factor and she doesn't fucking remember? She thinks she's a fucking fifteen year old! She thinks she's still beginning high school! What the fuck, I can't do this! I need my best friend, I-" I get interrupted by his lips connecting with mine. He brushes his fingers through my already tangled hair, tangling it further. I relax a bit into him immediately. 

"Baby, hey." He tilts my head up, making me look at him. "She'll be fine. We just have to have hope. We can't lose that. She will remember, and this will be something that we look back on and laugh at." I look at him incredulously. He chuckles. "Okay! Maybe not laugh at, but this will be something we look back at. This isn't our future. It'll be okay." 

We hear Lea gasp suddenly. I sit up, "What? What is it?" She's starring at her phone. 

"Nick's here." 

The last four years. (A Nick Jonas Love story) ♥Where stories live. Discover now