Five - Unanswerable questions

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You know that moment where you just know you're going to die? Where you kind of accept it, knowing there's nothing you can do about it? Yea, that's kinda what I was feeling at this moment. 

Chris wasn't having any of it though, he gets his phone out immediately and dials a number, when they answer he yells quickly, "You guys need to get down here right now! Like, right this second, we have a bit of a situation." He pauses, "Yep. Bye." 

He looks down at me, as the paparazzi get closer. "I called your parents, they're coming down now." 


"No, they're staying up there for your sake, but you'll have to meet them soon." I nod. 

"I know." At that moment the paparazzi descends upon us, (that sounded quite morbid, but that's how it felt.) and I soon felt very claustrophobic. 

"Sara! How are you feeling?"

"Is it true you were in a coma?"

"Are you and Nick broken up?" 

"Has Nick cheated on you? Is that why you crashed your car, trying to kill yourself?"

"Are you depressed now, since the incident a few months ago? How are you and Nick getting along after such a traumatic event?" 

"Where's Nick?"

"Are you pregnant?"

"When is your album coming out? Your fans have to know!"

"Will you be guest starring on Glee?"

"When will you get out of the hospital?"

As the questions are fired at me, I can barely keep up. Jesus. This is just fucking insane. 

Right about the time I feel like I'm going to go crazy from all the flashing lights, and loud questions, my parents burst through the doors and into the now empty park. I hadn't realized everyone had gone inside, but I don't blame them. I would've. 

They storm up, my dad on the phone, talking rapidly to someone and my mom with a blow horn. Huh. Looks like they've been through this before. 

Chris covers my ears just as she blares the horn, loud. It doesn't seem to effect the paparazzi though, as they continue firing obscene questions my way. My dad gets off the phone and pushes his way through the crowd to stand in front of me. 

He stands tall, "Get the hell out of here! Go! The police have been called, and our lawyers, all of your agencies have been warned to stay away from here in this time, and you have all broken the law. Get out of here now!" A few of them blink at him, but other then that, no one moves, they still try to talk to me over my father. A few have started questioning Chris. 

"Are you and Sara dating now?"

"We thought you were gay, and dating Darren Criss! Is that not true?"

"Why are you here with Sara?"

"Is Sara pregnant?"

"You two are around each other a lot. Are you dating?"

"Were you involved in the accident?"

"Was it an accident?"

What the fuck are these people on?

I want to ask Chris to get me out of here but I know it's impossible, the paparazzi have surrounded us, their bodies making any route of escape impossible. 

The last four years. (A Nick Jonas Love story) ♥Where stories live. Discover now