Twenty two - Studio

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"Yeah, I don't know I mean the old Mickey Mouse was awesome but it aint got nothing on the new one! Seriously, new cartoons are way better." Chris says.

Lea scoffs, "But you don't get the VINTAGE that you get with old cartoons, it's just so cute and classic. Classic beats everything." 

Nick nods, "I have to agree with Lee." 

Darren shrugs. "I'm not getting into this." 

Lea and Chris look at me and I raise my hands. "Oh no! This is your battle." 

They look at each other and narrow their eyes and I laugh. 

They've been debating about this for about a half hour now. It started out as a simple conversation about which cartoon everyone liked the best and ended in a heated battle about classical and modern cartoons.

These people. 

I shake my head and get up from the table, everyone looking at me. 

"I'm going to take a shower. Tell me how this turns out." I call over my shoulder and I feel a hand on my arm. 

"You want company?" Nick breathes in my ear and I laugh. 

"No, I think I'll take this mission alone, thanks." 

He sighs, and kisses me quickly on the lips. "Your loss!" He says and goes back to the table. I laugh and head into the bathroom, where I had put my clean clothes in a while go, and turn on the shower. 

After about and hour I decide to get out of the sweet bliss of warmth and go back to reality. I secure a towel to my head and head into the living room, Lea and Chris STILL in a debate. Nick and Darren have migrated to the living room, playing Call of Duty. 

I sit down beside Darren and look at the clock. 

I'm so nervous. 

Nick looks at me, and pauses the game. "You okay?" 

I nod, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just nervous." 

He takes my hands in his and smiles at me. "Don't be." 

I scoff. "How can I not be, Nick? I know nothing about what I'm going to do, not anything that I can remember anyway, how can I do this?" 

He shakes his head at me. "Trust me, it's second nature. Once you get in there, your senses will take over." 

I furrow my eyebrows but nod. "If you say so, I'm going to finish getting ready." 

He looks at the clock and calls after me as I head to our bedroom. "Thirty minutes!"


I walk into the bedroom and finish getting ready, my nerves sky rocketing. 

A few days ago, we decided that I would go back to the studio today. My manager, and agency has been calling non-stop for the last few days so we thought it was time. I'm so nervous though, and no matter how much they all tell me it's going to be fine I can't get the nerves to stop. 

I mean, I don't remember anything. How the hell can I go in there and start singing songs I don't remember even writing? 

I finished getting dressed and grab my purse and stuff my phone into it, I walk into the living room and Lea embraces me in a big bear hug. 

"Girlie, it is totally going to be fine. You'll see." She says into my hair. "Your manager, and people will take care of you. They're super nice and they know everything. They'll help you through it. Nick will be right there with you also." 

The last four years. (A Nick Jonas Love story) ♥Where stories live. Discover now