Ten - Save me

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The elevator opens and I walk into the cool lobby. I walk to the doors and leave the building quickly. Gulping in the fresh air as I pace back and forth in front of the building. 

I honestly don't know how to do this. This life that we had built is nothing but a story that I've gotten thrust into. I don't know how to live it. 

I stop at the pavement and sit down, my breath coming out in shallow gasps. I need to calm down. Just as I start to breathe normally again I hear my name. 

I look up and my eyes go wide. Several people are walking towards me with cameras, the lights already flashing as they fire questions. 

"Why are you alone?" 

"Where's Nick? Where's Chris?"

"Have you and Nick broken up?"

I stand up wearily and face them. Maybe I can just get them to go away. 

"I really don't feel like answering questions right now, can you please leave me alone?" 

They ignore me, and launch into a new string of questions.

"When is your album coming out?"

"Have The Jonas Brothers broken up because of you?"

"Are you pregnant again?"

My eyes go wide as I hear the last question, but I don't get time to ponder it as I hear my name being called by several voices to my right, I turn my head and see a rather large group of paps heading my way. I gasp and push my way through the paparazzi to my left. I walk swiftly down the way I didn't even know that I was going, I had migrated away from the complex. 

I hear several footsteps behind me, telling me that they haven't given up on the interrogation. 

I push myself faster and hear the footsteps quicken as questions are still fired at me from behind. 

"Why are you running? Do you have a baby bump you don't want us to see?" 

"What's your secret?" 

"Where's Nick?"

I turn a corner swiftly and start sprinting, only to hear running footsteps behind me, flashing lights catching up quickly. 

My eyes land on a broken down building as I near it, and I quickly sprint to it, trying to find a door. I locate it and push against it, sighing a ragged breath in relief when it opens. I close it behind me and find a chair to my right, I use it to hold the door closed knowing it isn't going to last long. 

I run down the hallway and go into a dimly lit room, stepping over broken shards of glass and clumped up fabric, trash everywhere. I hear pounding on the door and I get my phone out as I dial the first number I see. 

As I hear the dialing tone, I press the door to the room closed, grimacing when I realize that it has a glass window to it. It has a lock though, and I lock it swiftly, going to the other side of the room and squat down, trying to hide from any prying eyes. 


I sigh in relief, but it quickly becomes a sigh of dread as I hear footsteps inside the warehouse. 

"Nick! I was pacing in front of the apartment, and I heard these people, they were paps, they found me. I'm in an old warehouse by the complex. Please hurry, there's tons of flashing lights. They're calling my name and asking weird questions. I don't know what to do. Please hurry!" I hear my phone beep and look down, I'm losing signals. Shit. 

The last four years. (A Nick Jonas Love story) ♥Where stories live. Discover now