Chapter 8 - Memories

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Gumi's POV ( still )


" Err,Gumi..."

"Y...Yes?" I akwardly ....

" Er,Are we near?" 

" Sorta..Its only like 3 miles away,"

" And Uh Gumi.."


"....I Think your adorable.." Im not quite sure he said this,he said something with a minimum volume,

" What? "

" UH! nothing,er,I think this is your home,"

I looked at the window, " Oh yeah,It is..Uh,Thanks for the Ride.." I said as i hopped off the car

" Yeah,No problem,Plus,I really enjoyed hanging out with you today...Soo,Next time.." He akwardly stop though,


" Can we hang out again?" He asked at looked at me with a light smile,

" S-sure," I replied shly,

" Cool,See ya," He waved his hand at me and left,

Miku's POV

- Backround : Miku's Home At Window -

* Miku Sulking and Moarning*

Sigh....There's nothing much to do...

" Miku - chan ! I made you something,come,Let's eat " Rin happily said,

" Yeah Miku,quit sulking there and get up," Len said annoyed,

I invited the twins to my house btw

" Augh..Okay,Im Going there..." I got out of the Window sight and stood up

 "  I madee PIEEEEEE " Rin happily said as she took out the pie and placed it in the table,

" Yeey Piee " Len said with Fake Joy,

" Hey,Miku Chan,why are you looking down? " Rin asked me as she took a seat,

" N-Nothing..." I sighed at I burried my face in heads-down position,

" Are you having bad memories about Leon-san again? " Len asked sacrasticly,

" Yeah..." I Burried my face more,

" Eh,Just forget about him," Rin tried to cheer me up,I can't Rin,Im Sorry,

" I just can't,He's stuck on my mind Like Glue,Auuughhh," I said as I quitted burrying my face,

" Then Let's operate your mind and remove it" Len jokingly said,

" Not now Len,Just call Kaito and Meiko Over,Then Let's eat this" Rin huffed,

" Okay Then," Len left to call both of them

" Eh? Why Not Call Luka and Gakupo around too? " I asked,It'll be great if they enjoyed it too though,the pie looked delicous that im already hungry,

" Meh.Those two are on a date,They're dating y'know." She giggled,

" Sigh..I wish before I had Love like those two,"  I sighed...

" ...Huh?" 

" They really love each other...Unlike before,I loved him but,I thought he did the same to me,But i guess its a no.." I said sadly,

" Don't worry,I bet you'll find someone better than that Mother@#$%^$%^@$^ $%@hole B&^$#! " Rin sweared,

" Rin ! " I scolded her,

and the secound I said that,Meiko and Kaito Came,

" Hey Guys ! Wow Rin,that's a nice pie you got there~ " Meiko cheered,

" Yeah,Rin,Do you have ice cream?" Kaito asked,for heaven's sake Kaito,

" * SLAPS KAITO * You always think about Ice cream ! ITS SO COLD OUTSIDE!" Meiko scolded Kaito,Hahaha,Watching these Two is just like Watching TV,

" Then Fried Ice cream " He smiled at her,

" Eh? Isn't that cold too?" Rin Asked,

" Ehhhhhhhh......Aissuuuuuu...." Kaito moarned,

I have no idea why is he like that,

Kaito is with Meiko Gakupo and Luka,They are the oldest ones in our class,But Rin and Len or Even Oliver is more mature than him,

" Sigh,Kaito,When will you ever change? " Meiko sighed and slightly blushed,

" Eh? Do You want me to change? " Kaito looked at Meiko with those puppy eyes,"

" Nope,You should stay that way its Adorable," Meiko giggled,

" C'mon Guys Lets have PIeeee.." Rin begged,

So we did,

we talked about stuff and played truth or dare and bla bla bla,it too many ppl.

" Hey,What if we call those two,Er,By Two i mean Gakupo and Luka," Len asked,

" Yeah,I wish they were here," Meiko huffed,

" Okay,I'll do it," Kaito grabbed his phone with a Ice cream keychain,

Beep Boop bap boop bap Kaito's phone goes,

Riingg riingggg riiing

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