Chapter 69 - SUMMER! [P2]

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I dedicate this to the first one who noticed the number ALL the time! High five! o3o

Anyway,Meiko isn't here,okay? And since it's my fav number,I'll make it long as possible! Okay,ikkyou! ( Let's go! )


- Honne Dell's Point Of View -

6:09 AM ( what )

Kagamine Van

Gakupo was driving.Luka was beside him.

Rin,Len,Oliver,Luki,Galaco,Teto were at the front.

So that leaves me and Miku behind.

I'll admit,I'm carsick.This is the reason why I'm not a fan of cars.They smell way too good.

" I'm bored. " Len blurted out all of the sudden," Ice breakers,anyone? "

" Cool.Where's the ice? "I said sarcastically.

" I'll give it a go. " Rin said.

" Okay,I change my mind. " Len protested," Truth or dare? "

" Or. " I said sarcastically again.

" Dell,shut it! " Len shot at me,

" Can't help it. " I said as I rested my feet on the other seat,which where was Miku sitting.

 " Dell,manners? "

" Define ' manners '. "

" Manner,n-- 

" Too long didn't listen. "

" Argh! Just google it then, " ( Miku stole Luka's line -w- )

" Where's the wifi? "


" Okay. "

The people in front played truth or dare while we were at it," Okay,Dell,truth or dare! " Galaco said cheerfully as she pointed at me.

" Or.Always or. "

" Or isn't an answer! C'mon Dell,quit being sarcastic! " She fumed as she rolled her eyes.

" Fine! Dare. "

Galaco smirked in an evil manner,then Len whispered something to her, " Okay Dell.I dare you... "

" To Kiss Miku. "

" WHAT?!?! " Me and Miku shout in unison,no way! Hell no,I'd rather DIE!

" C'mon,don't ruin the fun! Just kiss her! " Rin joined in,

" No! What's the consequence!? " I hissed,trying to find a way out.

" Jump out of the car. " Oliver responded in his british accent.

I opened the back car door,and set my self to jump.

" Dell,you idiot! What are you doing?! " Miku hissed at me as I was suppose to jump already,

" Trying to jump,obviously. " I said...1...2....3....

" DELL NO! DO YOU WANNA DIE!?! " Miku screamed at me as she grabbed my hand.

I closed the door,and retrieved my hand quickly,trying myself to prevent from blushing.Which took every muscle from my body,too." Okay fine Leek Girl. "

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