Chapter 96 - Forget Me Not

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I wanna cut off the DeiKu part for a while,since i dunno. I WANNA MAKE THIS LOOONGGEERRR ~

Btw you should hear Luka's english cover of Last Night Good Night :'o It's so beautiful TuT It made me cry D: I'm starting to REALLY REALLY LOVE that song! It's so calming and beautiful T-T But I like Boy's Don't Cry More c:

Here I am again with nonsense,I'm just that weird,okay? Well,that's me. The weird Shaina or Kai. Whatever,let's go!

- - - -

- Megurine Luki's Point Of View -

I suddenly woke up on my usual ward,and I had Luka and Gakupo's faces to greet me.

" Luki! You're awake and you're okay! " Luka suddenly hugged me tightly," You can walk now! "

I blinked a few times," Thanks sis! But where's Galaco? Can I visit her now? "

Luka nodded in reply," Just change your clothes! "

And so I stood up and quickly changed into my clothes which Luka brought. I changed them in the bathroom.

As I went out,I had Gakupo out there next to the bathroom door.

" Err...Luki... " Gakupo started," ...Thanks for allowing me to love your sister,and sorry for the hard things I suddenly did to her. You know,being a guy and all. "

I smiled in reply," It's fine. I can totally understand,anyway. Just please,take care of her. She's all I have. Also Gakuko,she'll be my first niece. "

" Of course I will! Even if it means I have to die! " He replied,his voice raising up a bit," And oh,you've been hitting on Galaco haven't you? "

I slightly blushed as he said that,I bit my lip a bit and nodded.

" Good luck with her! I think you two make a cute pairing! " He said before leaving,following Luka who was going outside to buy our lunch.

Good luck,huh? I hope so.

I went out and I saw Miku on the way carrying a tray with food,it's for Dell I presume...?

I asked her where was Galaco,aside from her usual happy and cheerful mood,she was looking pale and sad. But she responded as she told me Galaco was in the operating room,since the bullet hit her brain bad.

I feel bad for Miku. I mean,it's like she lost her self because Dell was near dying.I understand her pain however.

I thanked her and she just went straight to the operating room,I couldn't go in immediately since they were operating her.

And after like 30 minutes,the doctor suddenly came out which made me stand up immediately.

" Ah,Luki,you're here. " The doctor greeted me with a smile as she turned to my gaze.

" So,doc? What happened? " I quickly skipped to the topic about Galaco,with my eyes widening up a bit.

Then suddenly,the doctor's smile turned upside down.

" The operation was successfull,however,we found out a huge news about her.
















She has amnesia. "

My heart suddenly felt like it was pricked by a sharp object. Similar like once a beach ball hits a sharp edge and it deflates.

" What? Amnesia? " I suddenly blurted out all of the sudden.

" Yes,Amnesia. She will forget all of her precious memories and mostly her beloved ones,but she may not forget the most important persons in her life. But there can be a way to bring them all back,you can visit her at her room once we bring her back there. "

I then nodded in response. My heart was beating fast as a drum would.


After a while,the Doctor told me that Galaco was back,so I decided to visit her.

As I took steps towards her door,it was like walking on lego blocks. I mean,my nervousness was taking over me.

is she really going to forget about me?

I just took a deep breath. Well,if she is going to,I just have to help her remember.Everything.

Which was hard.

As I entered her ward,there she was,sitting on a chair. Looking beautiful as usual.

I then approached her,and then she faced me.

" H-Huh? W-Who are you ? " She asked me,I could feel the nervousness in her tone,too.

But as she said that,my heart felt that it just fell onto the floor.

I put a some strands of her hair behind her ear,

" I'm Luki. Luki Megurine. "

Then I...

( A/N ) ----


Well,I'll be honest. I was going to make her die at first,but I was like ' Nvm Amnesia would do ' so yeah :D I made a cliffhanger there,since I dunno ; - ;

But seriously xD If she died,that would be similar to walking on lego blocks. I mean,WHAT THE HECK?! Galaco's an amazing Vocaloid,and she got deleted,and she dies here? wtf? -_- Well,whateva :3 She's coming back anyway

And DAMN YOU LUKI FOR BEING SO HOT D: I mean,I'm not a fangirl or anything,but Luki IS hot. I mean,he's voice is just D: He's voice is so amazing! I don't see Luka in it to be honest!

Well,that's all.Bye dudes,love ya!

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