Chapter 43 - One Rises,One falls.

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Author ; Okay! Back to the sportfest!

So,Kaito was--

KaitoFanGirls : HEY YOU!

Author : o.o

KaitoFanGirls : Y U KILL KAITO!?!?!?!

Author : It was Leon--


Author : Yea but--




- Hatsune Miku's Point Of View -

" Kaito-onee san has been shot! "

" WHAT!?! " Me and Dell hissed in unison.

Luka just nodded like she couldn't belive it...Kaito? Seriously? From all the guys out there,the ice-cream-addicted-innocent guy? ( Author : HELP ME GUYS *shot* )

" Rin's near waking up,though.So..Kaito's the next victim? " I frowned," Where is Kaito anyway? "

Luka pointed to the back,and there we saw Gakupo carrying Kaito princess style.Talk about a yaoi scene. ( Gakupo : WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU AUTHOR )

- Len Kagamine's Point Of View -

Now,I'm here in Rin's ward.I brought Oliver along,of course,since he's my bestfriend.But still though,I still remember what he did to my sister one day.

Oliver was still in the bathroom,and I'm still here in her ward.She had another friend in the ward,Iroha I think was her name.

Then I saw Rin's eyes open for a moment,

" Rin! Are you awake? " I asked excitedly..

" ....Len? Is that you? "

" RIN! " I happily exclaimed as I hugged her..

" Len...I'm fine.Now please let go," She demanded," Where's Oliver? "

I then looked at her and frowned. " He was the one who sacrificed his heart for you. " I lied.

" Wh-what?! O-Oliver..he.. " She started tearing up.Pffrt.Such a crybaby.

" I'm just kidding he went to the bathroom. " I chuckled.

" WHAT!! LEN,YOU IDIOT! " Rin hissed then punched my arm,

" Oww! That hurt, " I said.Sigh.Atleast my sister is okay.

" LEEEN!!!!!!!!! " Oliver suddenly barged in," Rin's Alive?! "

" Yep! " I smiled.But then I noticed him frowning." Aww..Why so sad? " I teased,

" Len! I'm serious,this isn't a joke. " He says all serious," Kaito's shot by Leon! "

" WHAT!?! " I hissed," Kaito-san? Someone call Meiko-sama, " Rin says,

- Meiko Sakine's Point Of View -

I happily hummed as I strolled around the park.Nothing's gonna happen bad around now,right?

I raised my bottle of sake," Sigh.Sake-kun,without you,I'm all lonely. "

I drank the whole bottle,and for the 5th time,I grabbed another one ( I was bringing a bag of sake btw )

Then suddenly,I got a phone call...

" MEIKO YOU BETTER COME HERE NOW!!!!! " The voice screamed...eehhhhhhh??????

" Wh-HIC!-why!? D-Don't ruin my d-day! HIC! " I said,

" Oh God Meiko,you're so freakingshly near,I could see you from the window! " The voice screeched,

" Nee [ Hey ]! Chill,Ima go there ~ " I chirped happily. ( Note : She was drunk,ofc. )

I walked past the driveway...and then I saw a car passby and it almost hit me!

" Hey,baka [idiot]! Watch where you're going! " I hissed,and continued walking.Then finally I reached the hospital ~ ^3^ Nothing can ruin my day now ~~~

" MEIKO! WHAT THE HELL HURRY! " Luka screeched

" Nee ~ Luka-san! Have a sip of my sake ~  " I offered,

- Megurine Luka's Point Of View -

" No! Just come now," I said as I offered a hand,

" Okay ~ " She hummed happily.Great.Just what I needed,a drunk Meiko.

I walked past near Kaito's ward,and Gakupo was standing there.

" Your dear boyfriend is in there! " I said as I pointed through the door,

" What are you talking about? My boyfriend's right here ~ " She said as if I was crazy and clinged her arm to..Gakupo.

" What the-- " Gakupo hissed," I'm Gakupo! I ain't Kaito, "

" What? Your Kaito! "

" Argh.I sweared I would never hit a girl but, " Gakupo sighed then slapped Meiko.Finally,she was awake.

" What the -- " Meiko blinked," Why the hell did you slap me?! Are you gay!? "

Finally.The real Meiko.

" For pete's sake you were drunk. " Gakupo said annoyed.

" And your boyfriend is there! " I repeated,pointing to the door.

Meiko raised an eyebrow," What the hell? Why is he in a ward? Is he pregnant so he's giving birth right now? Isn't that supposed to be you? "

Gakupo and I facepalmed," First of all,Kaito's and boy and how the hell could a boy get pregnant,secound,my baby's still 4 months,third,KAITO'S SHOT YOU DUMBASS. " I screeched.

" Shot? As in injection? " she raised another brow,

" OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE! " Gakupo screamed,and opened the door and pushed her.

Sheesh.Drunk Meiko is really....

" OH MY GAD KAITO MY LOVE ! " She screamed as she noticed Kaito in the bed," WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT THIS?!??!?!?!?!?!??! "

I facepalmed,and so did Gakupo


Luka : Eto..The author's dead by now..not really.Because the KaitoFanGirls beated her up.But....*picks up Author's script* here's what she wanted to say :

Hey guys! Sorry If this is a bit late,but I was really distracted since I got Project Diva Extend on my PSP! So Yeah .w. anyway,I was thinking about changing the title,since it's getting a bit lame or weird..don't ya think? I'll change it when I get like,10k reads. hehe ~

Anyway! Drunk Meiko is weird,isn't she? lmao.So yeah,this isn't about the sportsfest yeet.So,see ya in the next chappy!

Yuma : You're so boring Luka! Why didn't you lie and change it?!

Luka : Shaddap Yuma,


I'ma dumbdumbdumb person ~

Luka : Augh,see you guys in the next chappy '

Yuma : NO WAIT!


philophobia - vocaloid.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora