Chapter 99 - ' I Love You '

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Just reading your comments from the previous chapter made me laugh so hard I don't even know WHY

Well,let's just go on,okay?

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- HatsuneMiku's Point Of View -

I sobbed as I held Dell's hand.I was crying too hard,I didn't know what to do.

Clearly,this is my fault. This is all my fault for not letting go in the first place!

I still didn't budge to move. Dell couldn't die,I don't want him too! He doesn't deserve it! He doesn't deserve ANY of this!

I kept my head down,I didn't even...Argh! I don't know! I couldn't explain all of it in words!


The sound echoed in my head. See? I'm already going insane. That sound popping in my head,the sound that he was actually alive.

" ...Miku. "

Oh great,his voice is here too! What is this? A CD on a player which is my brain? I am going crazy. Now he sounds as if he was REALLY here! But no,I couldn't believe it. It's impossible.

Why the hell did I do all of this? Why did I--

" MIKU! " The voice suddenly exclaimed,which made me look up quickly. Geez,I was startled!

But as I quickly looked up,I couldn't believe what I just saw. I didn't believe it,it's too good to be true.

" Dell ? You're alive?! " I suddenly exclaimed as the tears kept on flowing and flowing.

Dell rolled his eyes and chuckled," Hell yeah I am! I didn't wanna die,anyway! I wanted to waste my time with you first! "

Such an idiot.

" Shut up! I love you Dell! " I shut him up as I suddenly climbed on the bed and hugged him.

My God,I couldn't believe I just blurted that out! I didn't even know it was possible,but...

It's the right thing to do,right? I shouldn't deny it. It's true,I was just afraid to get hurt.

" I love you too,Miku. " Dell replied,putting some of my hair strands behind my ear.

( I have no idea how you explain it properly but YOLO )

- TimeSkip

It's been months since that day. Me and Dell are finally in a relationship. Now,the only thing we needed to do is our plans and our finals.

Today was our finals. So basically,I spent my whole night studying. With Dell,of course.

After the tests,I felt like having a major nosebleed. I swear,that was one of the hardest tests I've ever had.

All of us sat under the tree at the school park,where we used to throughout the whole year.

" So...School's finally over...What are you guys going to do? " Gumi asked as she leaned to the tree.

" Hmmm...Enter college and get a life,then finally die. " Dell replied sarcastically,which earned him a slap from me. He just glared in return which I shot back.

" God,I swear to God that the two of you make such a cute couple! " Luka chimed in,with a bright smile on his face.

" But seriously,what are you guys going to do? " Gakupo asked once again.

" Well for starters,me and Gumi are planning to get mar-- " Yuma was saying,but was cut off because Gumi placed her whole hand to his mouth,making him shut up.

" Shh! " Gumi shushed him,Yuma then removed her hand from his mouth.

" Aww! That's great,actually! Can I be a flower girl!? " Rin asked excitedly,smiling at the couple.

" Yeah..Of course. " Gumi said,hiding her face that was probably red,and having Yuma laugh like an idiot.

" Well,i've got it planned actually,I have plans with Teto. " Len added. Well,Teto wasn't here since she was at her own School.

" Aww ~ ! That's cute! I bet it's about getting married! " Rin teased her brother,sticking her tongue out.

" H-Hey! Not yet! Sheesh,Rin! " Len rolled his eyes as he blushed furiously.

" Well,what about you Gakupo and Luka? " Kaito asked her step-sister,looking at her.

" Well,I dunno exactly. I guess I have to let life decide what we shall do. " Luka responded.

" And life  says we need to get married! Okay,it's settled then! " Gakupo added,and Luka hit his arm playfully after that.

" What about you,Luki? Galaco? " Gakupo asked as he tried to stop Luka from punching him.

" Errr...I plan to be a doctor as I grow up. So yeah,I don't know from Galaco. " Luki replied,he was looking bored though.

Galaco kept silent. Because she was sleeping,laying her head on Luki's shoulder.

" What about you and Rin,Oliver? " Len asked,wanting to tease Rin for revenge.

" What? I don't know man! I'll let Rin decide! " Oliver responded,pointing out to Rin.

" I don't know either! Len,you decide! " Rin replied with her eyes widen,

" Dafuq? Let me decide? I don't know! Plus why are we talking about this anyway?! It's not like we're graduating from coll-- "

" No,Len,shut up. " A bread hit Len's head,causing him to stop for a second there.

" Teto! There you are! " Rin chimed in," What are your plans with Len?! "

" What? " Teto exclaimed," Len,you TOLD them?! "

" Well I wasn't specific! I just mentioned we had plans! " Len shot back.

" Okay,moving on,what about you Lily and Kiyoteru? " Rin tried to get back to the topic.

" Well...I'm going to study to be a teacher when I grow up,and for Lily? She'll just stay at home,doing what she wants! " Kiyoteru replied.

Lily nodded in reply. Well,we actually had a couple who didn't deny each other's plans.

" What about you,Dell,Miku? " Lily suddenly moved the topic to us.

My eyes became wide.

What are our plans?

" I-I don't know! It's not like Dell's gonna live forever,anyway! He'll probably die due to lung cancer!" I blurted out. I didn't really mean it,actually. I just didn't know what to reply.

" Seriously? You want me to die THAT bad? Well,I just have to keep a secret,anyway. " Dell replied as he shot me a look.

Sheesh,I'm sorry! I quietly muttered to myself.

For years,finally,I felt happy again.

I was truly happy.

( A/N )


Well,not really. LEL. Dell didn't die. i'm not that cruel to let him die,of course,I need him!

Well,this isn't the last chapter anyway. There will still be Chapter 100 and an Epilogue,so just wait for it,maybe I'll post Chappy 100 along with the Epilogue tomorrow! And also the playlist!

That's all I wanted to say! I love you,All of you! Silent Reader or not,I love you I swear! ( IN A AUTHOR TO READER WAY DON'T GET THE WRONG IDEA )

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