Chapter 31 - Jealousy

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Author here~

so yeeaah.I made the 31st chapter but FVCK I accidently wrong clicked,now I gotta restart TwT

and FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.The phone's net go bye-bye,so fu.

anyway,enjoy this chap~


- Miku Hatsune's Point of view -

Ahhh...Finally,they got back!

In the right time of Luka's birthday.

To be honest,I really can't stand them being away from each other.I mean,I believe the one of the most perfect couples in this world ! Now Im being such a romantic.

drip drop drip drop drip drop drip drop

...Huh? Its starting to rain...

I sighed and I took the bench that was under the shade,

Sigh...I've got such a headache.

I don't know why,but I've been worrying about Leon....He has not attacked for....weeks...or months,I'm actually worried.

I actually slept 11;45,and woke up 4;55.For pete's sake,I'm still tired....

I closed my eyes for a while...I don't know how long was it,but before I knew it...I was asleep.


.....I yawned as I woke up.....

Strange.I don't remember going home...

Next to me...was a muscular body....Sigh.Mikuo must have brought me here....

I nuzzled once again...but I noticed...Wait..these aren't our sheets!!

I turned back and looked at this face ;


What am I doing in a bed with De--


Oh.I'm still in my gown....but he seems.....his shirt's two first buttons were unbuttoned....

Did we? Did I?! Whaa---!?!

" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " I screamed the daylight's living out of me,

Which made Dell startled,and made him roll down and fall.

" Wha-whath!? " He said as he checked on me,

" Dell....Did...Did we?!...Wh...Why am I on your bed?! " I said,panicking.

" Woah woah take it easy.First of all,no we did not.Second of all,you were asleep and I thought I just couldn't leave you there,sleeping under the might...catch a cold....or something." He said as his voice called off...

I may catch a cold? What does he care anyway!?

dug dug dug dug

Wait...Did my heart suddenly?

Did it just...what...?!

- Honne Dell's point of view -

ARRGHH! Did I just say I cared for her?!?! Why would I!? I vowed to never fall inlove again,like her!! ARRGHH WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!?!?

" Whatever.Let's just go down,and I'll prepare breakfast." I groaned as I stretch,

" O...okay.. " She stammered.

We both went down together......


[[ Vocaloid High - Homeroom ]]

Everytime in homeroom,were free to do whatever we want.Just not get out of the classroom.We huddled together in a group,and we played " Truth or dare " again.

" Hmmm... " Luka pondered,who was sitting next to Gakupo,that was a sight I missed for a long time....Sigh..reminds me of her.

" So....Len...I dare you to do a short skit with Miku to make us laugh! " She said.

Witch Miku? Anyone but Miku ! Wait ! Why do I even care?!

" W..With Miku? Yeah,sure.I don't like her,kay? " Len said with an emotionless face,

Sigh..Great.He doesen't like her...WAIT!! WHY DO I EVEN FREAKING CARE!?!?!?!??!?!?!

" Miku," He started,holding both of Miku's shoulders.

" I Want to start a family with you... "

WHAT!?!?!? HE WANTS TO START A FAMILY WITH MY MI--I MEAN MIK-- Calm down,Dell.It's just a dare....and why do I even care!?

" Len..wh--" Miu stammered,Say no!!

" I realized what I wanted to be.... "

" a mother... "


" BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA !! " Everyone bursted out laughing,except me though.

Len and Miku just took their seats and sat.

I took a sigh of relief...

" Woah,Dell,did you just sigh out of relief?! " Oliver said,

" No.I did not," I said harshly.

" AWW!!!!! Is Dwell Jweaalouss? " Meiko teased,

" No.I.Am.Not." I said without even thinking...


Back then...

I had a girlfriend name Neru before.She kinda reminded me of Miku,except she only has 1 pony tail and she's blonde with yellow gold eyes.

Before,I was always happy.I never smoked or never did be a badass,

I loved her so much.I did everything for her,even if it was for me to die.

But that one horrible day made me like this.

She told me she wanted to break up with me.Just for another man who doesen't even like her ! She kept on forcing me too .....I had enough and I walked straight to my house and,I kept smashing everything in it.I almost killed myself,but Haku stopped me.

It hurted.My head,my chest,and my goddamn heart.

Eversince then,I started hiding it all by acting badass-like.

. . .

But then...

Why am I stopping myself?

Can't I just accept it?

I like Miku.

I must not deny it,and I must tell her.

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