Chapter 33 - Rivals

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And let's turn back to the two UTAU's ; Teto and Ritsu!

I guess most of you..or some of you know yeah -w- so,let's see why in the story,why the hell she acts weird.Did I say she? Nevermind.

So yeah ~ This will be STILL Teto's POV.

And it just took me like 1 day to update.Wow.Clap.So much clap.( Da hell I hate doge )


After a while,I started to walk out to the empty hall.I was bored and I didn't want anyone to come with me,not even Rin.Nor Momo and Defoko...But..Len? Not so sure about that,

While I was walking..I accidently hit something..I mean SOMEONE.

and for my great luck,it's no other than the freaking-annoying RITSU.

" Sorry," I muttered.

" Huh.Really Teto? Your acting like a goody-two-shoes to everyone,but me.Just give up," She chuckled after that,

" Shut up,Ritsu.You gotta stop confusing people! You've brought one school to fall head-over-heels to you,but please,not this! " I barked at him,

" Yeaah.Whatever.You just jealous that I'm so pretty,and I have a GREAAAT singing voice,unlike you," She said as she looked at her nails,posing like a model or whatever.

" Me? Beauty barely does anything,being smart will do.So yeah Ritsu,change. "

" Change? Hah! As if I already changed ! "

" Shut up,"

" Admit it Teto.Your just jealous.Just show this whole DUMB school that your not that kind of girl.Your a mean,cruel,Teto Kasane. " She hissed,


" I may be mean and cruel in the past! But you?! You never change! Just pack up your attitude,and GTFO of this school,bitch. " I hissed

Okay,she's got a point.I am cruel and mean before,but I changed! That was like,4 years ago.But her? Nope.

" Your just jealouse,Teto.I'm pretty,your not. "

" Whatever.Atleast I'm not plastic like you,"

She started blabbering again,but I just ignored her.

I didn't really wanted to be popular anyway.

But she calls me her " Rival " which made me almost the whole school's enemy.Heh.

- Namine Ritsu's point of view -

Hah ! That crazy Teto,there's no way I'm turning back to the past!

I hate that past! I hate the fact that I'm like this! Why can't any surgery can make you change your gender?!


Before then.I was only 7 years old,

I was teased.Bully.Tortured.All kind of pain.

They made fun of me.They made fun of my hair,and the way I looked that I was like a girl.

I begged my mom to cut it,but even though,she really couldn't make it boyish style.Which pissed me off.

After months of pain,I really couldn't take it.I escaped home,they didn't really care me for me anyway.I ran away and worked on my own,and got enough to go to school.

I was 13 that time,I worked in a place until now where no one made fun of me.It was better than school.

I acted like a girl.Then everyone fell head-over-heels for me.I got to controll them,some guys would even break up with their girlfriends just for me!!

I was loved.Worshiped.All.After pain,comes this.

But my budget got low,so I went to another school named UTAUloid Academy.

So yeah.Everything was supposed to be the same,but she was blocking the way.

She as in Teto.Teto Kasane,

She always gets everyones attention,I got some of their's atleast.Just because she's smart,and stuff!

But I found a way for them to hate her,and everyone worshiped me like before.I loved it.I loved being loved,

I didn't care for others.They had no care for me before,then I do the same...


Why all of the sudden..I could feel a...strange feeling of regret or something? I really shouldn't care....yeah.

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