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My name is Alexa Carson ! I'm 14 years old and I'm in a orphanage . My dad left me here after my mom died . My dad was really abusive to me . Ever sense the day my mom died I was in this house . I always wished for a family . But for some reason no one ever wanted me . I also have a best friend in here named tanner . She was really nice and would do anything for me . Somethings she would even sing to me and I would fall asleep . But now I'm 14 and I take care of myself really !

Moving on to tanner . She has been my best friend sense ever . If someone ever takes me away from her . I wouldn't let that happen . Also she's a girl and she is 15 . She has been in here longer than me . She has been in here because she got abused by both her parents . And her neighbors called the cops and they took her away from her parents and put her in here with me .

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