•Chapter One•

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//Alexa's P.O.V//
I wake up hearing tanner screaming in her sleep again . It was like 3am , I see the light turn on , I look over and see my two foster parents along with few more foster Children that live over here . I get up and run over to tanners bed and so does my foster dad , Chad .We rush over there and try to wake her up . We shake her and yell "wake up " !

"Stop leave me alone "She screams in terror

"Tanner wake up your having a nightmare "I yell as I keep shaking her . She instantly opens her eyes and shoots up . She immediately starts to cry as everyone gathers around her . I hug her and ask "What happened this time".
She sits there in silence as she try's to remember her dream .

"I was in a room with no doors or windows and it was empty . I look in the corner seeing my mom and dad walking towards me , so I turn around and start running to the wall but , I wasn't  going anywhere , I was staying in the same spot trying to run . I turn back around and see my parents coming closer and closer , I close my eyes getting ready to get beat . The next thing I know , I fall through the floor into another room like the first , but this time it was pitch black . I close my eyes and open them again seeing hundreds and hundreds of my mom and dad , they all walk over to me and start to hit me and kick me and through me against one and another "tanner explains

My foster dad try's to reach over to hug her , but she flinches away from his grip and put her knees against her chest .

"All be fine "she whispers laying back in her bed

"Ok "I say and motion everyone to leave the room . My foster mom was the last one to leave , so she turns off the light and closes the door . I go back into my bed and pull my sheets over me .

(Next day )
I wake up hearing my foster parents yelling us to come down for breakfast . I get up and fix my bed , and so does tanner . We get ready , and walk down stairs to eat breakfast . One we finish , we start doing our usual chores . I wash the dishes while tanner drys them and puts them away . After the dishes tanner cleans the dusts from the shelves and artifacts while I vacuum and mop . We always babysit the younger foster kids while the parents enjoy some time together . The door bell rings and it was Dominic the mail man who works partime .

Dominic is 15 and he happens to be tanners crush .

 "Uhh tanner look who's at the door "I sing

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"Uhh tanner look who's at the door "I sing . I see tanner slipping ,tripping falling on the floor and rushing her self over here .

She opens the door and plants a huge smile on her face .

"Uh hi uh "He says forgetting her name

"Tanner "

"Right "

He hands her  the mail and asks !

"Is Alexa home "he asks as tanners smile goes down

"Uh ...yeah "tanner says opening the door more to reveal me . I see Dominic's face light up .

"Uh hey "I say smiling

"Hey Alexa , so how you guys doing , you guys been adopted yet "he asks starting a conversation

"No not yet but we're still keeping our hopes up " tanner replies

"I don't want to get adopted " I butt in . Dominic and tanner look at me weirdly .

"Why "they both ask

"Because I'll leave you behind and if you get adopted I'll be left behind and I don't want to leave you behind "I say in a fast motion

"Okay I'll see you guys later , I have to drop off some mail we'll talk later "he says

"Bye Alexa bye ..."he says pointing at tanner

"Tanner "tanner groans

"Right "He says walking away . Tanner closes the door and looks at me smiling .

"What "I ask curiously

"I fukin hate you "she jokes around

I roll my eyes and smile . Tanner looks at the mail while I continue to mop . She flips around mails and stops at one letter . She opens it and starts to read .

"What is it "I ask

"Someone is coming to adopt someone tomorrow " tanner says as my smile goes down

Adopted by: Cameron Dallas★ Where stories live. Discover now