Chapter 30

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🌸Alexa P.O.V🌸
Dominic opens my car door, I stay in my seat and stare at him.He looks so innocent,yet he's such a criminal.We stand there just starring at each other until he says something.

"Well you gonna get out"

"I rather die then go inside with you"I answer.He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the car.We walk inside of a huge old garage sorda of thing.It was pitch dark.

"Give me a sec"He says running away.I look around,Soon the lights turn on.I turn around and see a table with candles and plates.I walk closely to Dominic who has roses in his hand.

"The only reason I would steal you is to have you, I love you so much....I don't know how I'm gonna move on"Dominic says smiling at me.He hands me the roses.I smile as I slap him with the roses.


I run quickly away.I open the door and shut it on him.I start running, I don't know where I'm gonna go but let's keep running.I see Dominic running after me.He catches up,he grabs my hair and I stop.

"Ow,ow,ow"I raise my voice as he pulls my hair.He smiles and slaps me,which left a big red mark.He slapped me once more.My tears came rushing down my cheek.He stands there starring at me.He finally let's go of my hair.

"Is this a game to you"he says


"It is"

"You sure"he says

"Yea"I say as he punches me.My tears keep coming down non-stop.

"Stop"I say starting to sob...."Stop"....I go on my knees and stay thier on the floor crying.

"I did love you loved Blake"Dominic says as he starts to tear up.

"Is that true"Blake asks

"BLAKE"I get up smiling....???

Dominic turns around and Blake punches him.Dominic falls to the floor.Blake kept kicking him in the stomach.He started to cough out blood.


"Die just die ...leave us all alone"Blake yells.He grabs a brick and hits him with it.


I see Dominic slowly closing his eyes.I run up to him.I sit on the floor and see him slowly closing his eyes.

"DOMINIC"I say shaking him.He closed his eyes and stopped breathing.My tears rush down my cheeks.

"Blake what did you do"I yell.I look over at Blake who falls to the floor.


😇Tanners P.O.V😇
Hunter and I go downstairs.We we're hungry so we decided to go to yogurt land.Plus I got a job there...I applied and I got in.I start working Monday..Can't wait...

"Tanner is Alexa upstairs"Weston asks opening the door.

"She's not home"I reply..?

"Where is she"Weston asks curiously???

"I really don't know she hasn't texted me ....I'm gonna call her hold up"I say calling Alexa...



Weston💗:Where are you..I'm worried

Weston💗:Ig..your ignoring me

Weston💗:please answer

!4 new messages!!

(15 missed calls)

Tanner💛:Alexa...I'm really worried please text me call me ..if you don't in 15 minutes or less I will call police..I love you I'm really worried please pick up...

💚Alexa's P.O.V💚
I stand there looking at Dominic's dead body.The ambulance zips up the bag and takes him away.I look at Blakes,he stands there dad and mad.The police didn't know it was him because I lied.

"You guys need a ride home"The cop asks.

"Sure"I say.I put my arm around Blake and we sit in the cops car.He drives us home.

(Door opens)

"ALEXA..... BLAKE"Tanner opens the door.

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