Chapter 38

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Unknown:we need to talk..

Me:there's nothing to talk did u get my phone number

Unknown:Dominic gave me it a long time ago

Me:wait what did u know him

Unknown:we need to talk I'll explain everything...

Me:you busy at 9:30 ish

Unknown:nope there's a coffee place around here somewhere I'll text you the address meet me there...I'll call Dominic to..

Me:Dominic is dead...


Me:how do you know him

Unknown:we'll speak at the coffee place bye


I end the phone call and hunter asks me lots of questions.

"What did he want"hunter asks

"He wants to meet and talk"I answer

"What are you gonna do"Jacob asks walking in the room

"I don't know...but first I need to talk to someone"I say running past Jacob...jacob grabs my hand and I stop running.

"Wait"Jacob adds

"What are you doing"I say

"I'm sorry"he says

"Well you could be sorry later"I say trying to walk away.But he Doesn't let me go.

"Nope I could be sorry right now"he says as he leans in and kisses me.He leans out and says sorry again.

"I love you"I say smiling

"I love you to now go do what you got to do and be careful"Jacob says hugging me as if I was moving away.I rush downstairs and call a cab.I go to belles house.Once I arrive I pay the cab driver and run to her house.I knock on the door and her mom answers.

"Is belle home"I ask

"Yea...BELLE"she yells as she walks away.Belle arrives to the door.She comes outside and closes the door.

"What do you want"Belle asks

"Thanks for being sorry...but I never killed your brother"I blab out

"Then who did it"she asks

"I don't know...but I didn't do it"I say feeling guilty

"I need to find out and whoever did it is gonna go to jail I swear..I'm sorry I hope you can forgive me"she says walking away



"I'm sorry to"I say hugging her.She starts to cry  and sob on my shoulders.

"It's hard to even think my brother died"she mumbles while crying..

"I'm so sorry"I say patting her back.She soon stops the crying and sobbing and walks back inside.I walk to the coffee place.I order some coffee and sit down.I look around and wait.He wasn't here so I just went on my phone and liked some photos on Instagram.

"Are you Alexa"someone asks.???I look over to the side and see someone who looks exactly like my dad.I guess it's him,he changed so much.


"And you are"

"Your father"he says

"Jonas"I say 1 second later after what he said

"Yes I'm Jonas"

"So tell me things fast my brothers waiting tommrow is Christmas"I say

"Well...I'm married let's say that I have 2 Kids there already 15,17...Dominic is my son as well"he says

"Dominic is your son"I say pausing for a moment


"I got to go"I say walking out



"How did he die"he asks as his wyes fill up with tears

"I don't know I'm sorry for your lost"I say opening the door and walking out

"Your drink is ready"the waiter says giving my dad his coffee

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