Chapter 1

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The fox stalked forward slowly, eying her prey. The Grey Tom cat sat eating a mouse not even noticing the creature lurking behind him. Then suddenly the wind changes and the Tom turns around hissing and spitting in fury. The fox angrily growls but dosent back down from a challenge. Then suddenly a tabby Tom leaps on the fox from behind, the fox yelps in pain... "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW! Tigerkit stoooooooooop, you ruined the scene wear the fox tears the cat into pecies."
"Deal with it foxkit you'll never be a real hunter anyways. Your ears are to big."
"Mommy says not to tease me of my conditions, and I can be a warrior!" Foxkit growled angrily. Then she stiffened, Fuzzystar was coming really close. Fuzzystar was scary. Foxkit shivered and covered her sensitive ears as Fuzzystar called a clan meeting.

       "All cats old enough to... BE CATS gather around the circle rock for a clan meeting. Foxkit trotted over and sat beside the only cat that wasent scary, (besides  mommy and daddy) and that was mintleaf. She was quiet and calm and played with foxkit, but she was nice and calm and played gently.  And her fur was soft.
"Hi foxkit how are you?"
"I'm doing good, how are you?"
" I'm amazing."  Mintleaf gently licked foxkit between the ears.

   " Today by is a sad and amazing day." Fuzzystar voice boomed in the small cave. Foxkit couldn't help but bury her face in mintleaf soft bellyfur. 
"Stormcloud and dawnflower are retiring to the elders den. Sooooooooooooo our new deputy is Silverstripe.

The whole clan was silent and staring at Silverstripe who was equally surprised.
Foxkit looked around and waited for her clan to cheer her moms name, and when knowone did Foxkit took matters into her own paws.
"SILVERSTRIPE, SILVERSTRIPE!" She yowled her moms name to the sky, and then covered her ears when the whole clan started to yowl her moms name. Silverstripe went to circlerock and touched noses with Fuzzystar. When the clan broke up, she got to work and for once Foxkit felt cold and sad.

"HELLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOO!" Fox kit squealed and jumped. She looked up and saw Fuzzystars daughter Snowkit staring at her.
"Um hi I guess."
"WHY ARE YOU TALKING QUIETLY, OH AND WHY ARE YOUR EARS BIG, AND WHY are you flinching away from me...? Snowkit quietly said the last sentence and broke off.
"I have hearing problems, everything's louder for me." Fox kit whispered quietly.
"Oh, well do you want to play?"
" Yes please!" the two kits ran off to the mossy training ground to play fight. Fox kit felt warmth in her pelt as she relied someone liked her ears.

   "Hey is little itty bitty fox kit and snowkit play fighting." Shadow paw and his sister ember paw loomed over them. They were new apprentices, and ember
paw was training for medicine cat. But boy was she cocky.  Shadowpaw was kinda rude but Foxkit liked him. He was the one that told ember paw off for bullying her and he taught her how to fight.

      "Shadowpaw come me on and let's train. Mewed Mudfoot you trying for spy with your dad today."
"Coming mudfoot. See ya Foxkit I'll teach you what I learned." Then he was gone.
Foxkit sighed happily and then went back to the nursery glowing all over.

Warriors the outcasts book 2 of the runaways series. COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now