Chapter 6

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A.n sorry I haven't been updating, I've been ultra busy, this chapter is going to be a little more exiting.

"My paws hurt." Complained Snowpaw. They had just finished their session with Mosssock, the gatherer and Den builder. They had made a huge attachment to the apprentice den then Mosssock took them into the forest to get supplies for their nests, whoever had the best nest at the end won a unknown prize. Foxpaw enjoyed the day, she liked building the den and making the nest, she was proud of hers.
She had moss, lined with sheeps wool, lined with soft feathers, she had even skinned a rabbit and cleans the fur, and used it as a blanket. Mosssock had declared her winner so she got another Bundle of wool and she got first dibs on the prey.

"Suck it up Snowpaw." Leafpaw mewed rolling her eyes.
"I'm exited for tomorrow's!!" Mewed Tigerpaw.
"Why is that?
"Isn't it obvious?" All the apprentices stared at him like he had two heads... Foxpaw giggled about that.
"Well I guess not but we are trying out fighting.p, hunting and cavegaurding!"
"Cool!" Mewed Blizzardpaw

Lionpaw, Clearpaw, and Shadowpaw ran by, they were all wrestling each other.
They had all just been told their roles in the clan, now they were training with new mentors for those specific roles. Lionpaw got Cavegaurd, hunter, fighter swimmer, and when he's not busy he does extra leader training with Fuzzystar! It was a huge honour to be chosen for that because you learn basic herbs, and how to lead your clan... So now Lionpaw could be a leader. Shadowpaw, got spy, hunter, and fighter. The spy's got to go through the underground tunnels and get information on the other clans, it was one of the most dangerous roles. And finally Clearpaw got cavegaurd, swimmer, hunter, fighter, and occasional tree-top hunter. The tree topers had to have strong tails and they ran in the trees to hunt and fight. The could swing around with their tails.

             "Earth to Foxpaw, come on Foxpaw." Foxpaw shot out of her daze and stared at Shadowpaw who was staring right at her.
"Didn't you hear me?"
"Um no?" Foxpaw Mewed embarrassed
"I said how was your first try it out day?"
"Oh it was a lot of fun, I like building then den and making my nest."
"Shadowpaw!!!"  Yowled scorchwind.
"Coming, got to go, talk to you later!"
"Okay!" And with that Shadowpaw ran to his dad and flametail, and disappeared into the tunnels.


         "I'm hoooooottttttttt when do we get to swimmmmmm." Complained Snowpaw. They had spent from dawn to sun high doing fighting and cavegaurd and they were waiting to do swimming, but at the moment they were doing treetops. They weren't aloud to use their tails yet, except for tail ups close to the ground.
"Stop complaint Snowpaw, you complained in the cave that it was cold, and now you are hot?"
"It's leafpaw to you." Foxpaw folded her ears shut, not liking the sound of her bickering friends.
"146, 147, 148, 149, 150!!" Foxpaw flipped off the branch she was doing tail ups on. She had made a class record with 150 tail ups, while hanging upsidown (sit ups with tail)

          "Why are you hot Snowpaw, you only did 5 before collapsing, I did 150!" Snowpaw growled but didn't say anything. Leaves and sweat stuck to Foxpaw in clumps and she ran to the nearest puddle for some water.
"Okay that's enough for today go to the river to meet Silverstripe and Fuzzystar!" Mewed Mintleaf happily.  The apprentices took off andjumped into the shallows washing off the west dust. They had a small above ground River and a large river splitting the cave in two. "Okay everyone gather around us please!" Called Silverstripe.
The swim lessons gad begun


" I like swimming and tree topping." Sighed Foxpaw she layed on a rock in the cave. Outside it was raining hard, postponing the hunting session. Two cavegaurds and Lionpaw had just left to watch the main entrance of the cave through the small den, Foxpaw had made little nests to sit in while watching. After such a hot day and moon it was finally starting to rain but it was also storming bad. "Foxpaw jumped at another loud bang of Thunder and shuddered covering her ears.

"Hey Foxpaw, want me to show you how to fight underwater?" Foxpaw looked gratefully at Clearpaw.
"Come on!" Clearpaw ran and jumped into the dark River. Foxpaw ran to the edge worrying for her brothers friend. He wouldn't be able to see under the dark swirling water. Suddenly a head popped up holding 5 gems.
"Foxpaw can you stick these in those little holes over there?"
"Okay." Foxpaw gently grabbed the gems in her mouth and stuck the holes beside the Moon crystal stone. The moon that shone on the moon crystal reflected from the river stone and as if by magic the whole riverbed lit up, the gems underwater lit a path through the whole River.
"Let's get started."

"Thanks Clearpaw, I'm heading to bed now. Foxpaw shook out her pelt and went to her soft nest.
"Night guys."
"Goodnight Foxpaw!" Mewed Snowpaw.

"Foxpaw wake up."
" A cave-guard just ran into camp and it looks bad." Shadowpaw Mewed worriedly.
"Everyone gather around! Do not panic but everyone go to water potholes. The pool thingys formed by the river." Yowled Fuzzystar.

Warriors the outcasts book 2 of the runaways series. COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now