Chapter 24.

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Foxtails pov

"We just about got caught Shadowtail... are you sure they did not follow us?"

"Yes Foxtail we are fine, calm down. Why don't we go for a hunt?"

"Fine, Fine."

"Use those ears of yours." Shadowtail said.

"Wait I hear something, follow me." They ran for a minute or two and Foxtail screeched to a halt. There was a blockage of flow in a stream with rocks surrounding it on all sides, water gently flowed in and the whole area was probably as big as Foxtail and there were ferrets in it. They were swimming around and jumping off cliffs.

"This is the weirdest thing ever, Lets hunt them and eat them!!"

"Shadowtail wait, we could follow those two because they will go back their main home and there will be a feast, lets follow them then I will get Fuzzystar to send some more cats to join in!"

"Since when did you get so bossy- fine fine lets go."

They followed the ferrets for a couple minutes then the ferrets dipped into a small ravine which was the perfect size for ferrets. Then the ferrets disappeared.

"Stay here I'll get Fuzzystar!"

"Wait we should both go, just in case there is a badger."

"Fine lets go."

Shadowtail and Foxtail walked up the river and towards the camp but then they heard a blood curtling shriek.

"Lets go Shadowtail!" Foxtail mewed worriedly

Foxtail sprinted toward the noise and wished she had not seen what she just saw. Two two-leg kits were carrying Leafspots and a large male two-leg had a container open. They roughly shoved Leafspots in, put the cage in the belly of a monster and drove away.

"LEAFSPOTS!" Foxtail yowled and she started sprinting after the monster. Then the monster screeched to a halt when it saw the other cat. The big two-leg stepped out holding another cage.

"Foxtail its time to go!" Yowled Shadowtail.

"GIVE. HER. BACK!!!!!" Foxtail launched herself at the two-leg and blindly clawed him. He yowled in pain and kicked her away. She flew through the air and hit a tree. The two-leg ran back to the monster and ran away, still carrying Leafspots.

"Leafspots, no." Foxtail whimpered.

"It's going to be okay, lets go hunt some ferrets.


The whole clan was mourning for Leafspots after the hunt. They had caught alot of ferrets and they put half of them away for leafbare and they feasted with rest, but foxtail was not hungry. She missed her friend even Snowstorm would not eat. Emberleaf kept pestering her because her kits would be born soon but Snowstorm still tried to sneak out. Foxtail was confused because even before Leafspots went missing Foxtail had felt weird and slow. Even during the ferret hunt Foxtail felt tired after catching one of the fast moving creatures, Mosssock the den builder and gatherer even caught more than Foxtail.

"Foxtail may I speak with you?" Called Dreamcloud. Foxtail stood up swaying on her paws and slowly waled over to the medicine den.

"Yes Dreamcloud?"

"Well you might not believe me, but I believe you are expecting kits."

"What but but- that does make sense. I have been feeling so tired and slow lately."

"Can I check please?"

"Of course Dreamcloud." Foxtail layed down and Dreamcloud felt Foxtail's belly.

"So by the feel of it you will be due in a couple moons so you should start thinking about staying in camp."


"Whats the problem with that Foxtail?"

"They will be born during the heart of leaf-bare, what if they die of the cold?" Foxtail wailed.

"If you stay in the cave they will be fine."

"Oh, okay... Thank you Dreamcloud."

Foxtail ran out of the den and to Snowstorm telling her the great news. She just wished Leafspots was here to tell.

"Shadowtail guess what, YOU ARE GOING TO BE A DAD!!!"

"Oh thats cool, anyways and we just about got caught as- Wait what!" Shadowtail asked


"OMG THATS AMAZING, wait you need to go to the nursery and get water and-"

"Shadowtail they are not going to born for another moon at the least!"

"Oh okay, go relax I'll tell these boys about our spy mission." Shadowtail started telling pretty much all the male cats with joy.

Warriors the outcasts book 2 of the runaways series. COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now