Chapter 2

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A.n. Hey guys my updates are going to slow down because I'm a very busy girl, and schools coming up so I won't have much time but I'm not giving up on wattpad. Enjoy chapter 2

"Hi snowkit are you ready to play?" Mewed foxkit. To foxkits joy she nodded it had been two moons since they became friends and now Leafkit, one of dreamclouds two kits played with them.  Foxkit found it weird that Silverstripe dreamclouds and Fuzzystar all shared a huge role in the clan and they all are friends. Even weirder their kits are friends.  Snowkit looked angry and sad so sangry!
"What's wrong Leafkit mewed curiously.
" Mommy says I'm not aloud to meet uncle bronze star, and I want to meet him."

"Bronze star,not course you can't meet him, he's bad... HE EXILED OUR CLAN FROM HIM AND CALLED US A KITTYPET AND TRAITOR CLAN.! Fox kit yowled angrily, she never yowls so that was weird.
"Maybe we could sneak out through the Riverclan tunnel." Foxkit mewed.
"Shadowpaw told me if you take it it goes all the way to riverclans camp, right beside the fresh kill pile!"

   Snowkit perked up.
"You would do that for me?"
"Of course! Mewed Leafkit.
"Let's leave at moon high!" Foxkit Mewed.
"Yah lets to do it!" An unknown voice purred.
"Mouse dung!" Growled Foxkit she already knew who was behind her...
"I wasn't planning to but if warriors live past the highstones the would have heard you."

     OPPS thought Foxkit, luckily knowone knew what she said so yaaaay!
"You guys are rebels but I won't stop you I'll just give you a tip... Watch out for the ice." Then he was gone. Foxkit looked at her friends, they gave her the same doughtful look, and they all went back to the nursery to get rest before there big night.


       "Wow this place is huge!" The three friends had been travelling through the Riverclan tunnel and had reached a huge cave, water trickled down into a huge pool in the centre of the cave, but the leaf are wind must have frozen the pool and it was a sheet of ice. Rocks jutted out from everywhere making good seats and a huge slab of rock sat on the edge, another rock along the wall was blank and when Foxkit scratched it, it left a mark. She rubbed it and the mark was gone. Then Foxkit wrote two twoleg marks a one and a two. So the number twelve, and on the other side she wrote a five. Meanwhile snowkit was trying to cross but kept slipping and falling, Leafkit was behind a rockslab scooping water from a pool and putting it into a nutshell cup.
"Guys we've got a problem!" Mewed snowkit.
"Which tunnel is which and how do we cross?"
"This is what lion paw meant!" Mewed Leafkit.
Meanwhile Foxkit was grabbing sharp rocks and rubbing them against another rock making sharp blades. The she grabbed some vines and two leaves and wove them together then, strapped them to her paws making skates. She slid onto the ice and soon was going across it. Once she had made it to the other side she slid off her skates and told the others she would check the tunnels.

     "I'm getting worried about Foxkit she's still not back and the moons going down." whispered snowkit. They had been making themselves rock skates and were passing a rock around using sticks, they also had made vine nets and were trying to get the rock in. The decided to name the game sticky. They heard paw steps and saw Foxkit emerge from the tunnel across from them.
"Foxkit we thought you were dead!" Yowled snowkit. Her voice echoed around the cave making Foxkit cover her sensitive ears.
"I found our tunnel, now let's go to Riverclan!

A.n. So you might of figured out they invented HOCKEY and the cave is an ice rink and they have skates on so, they are awesome and heading to Riverclan. If you like this book request to your friends that have this app so I can get my reads up thanks guys!"

Warriors the outcasts book 2 of the runaways series. COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now