Chapter 25

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Leafspots pov

"Hello, hellooooooooooo... WAKE UP!!!" A voice yowled in Leafspots ear. She gasped and jumped up but she banged her head on something hard. 

"Where am I?" 

"You are in a carrier cage!"

" YA I FIGURED THAT!" Leafspots yowled. She saw hurt flash in the kittypets eyes and instantly felt bad.

"I'm sorry, it has been a ruff night." 

"It's okay I would have felt ruff if I had been captured from the wild!" 

"Wait how did you know?" 

"My two-leg does it quite frequently, he catches wild cats, nurtures them, cleans them, feeds them, and the sell the and give them to another family!"

"Where you a wild cat?"

"No, he adopted me when I was just a kit.Oh and the real answer to your question is that you are in my two-legs den! Specifically the cat room. It is dedicated to cats... ME! I'm usually the only one that lives in here but now you live here!!!" 

"Okay then." Leafspots mewed. Then she heard a loud slamming noise." She jumped back, hissing as she saw the large male two-leg who had captured her. He opened the cage door and put his hand out. 

"Yes I can escape!" leafspots yowled and tried to run out but the two-leg blocked the exit and put a bowl of water  and another bowl filled with brown pellets that looked like rabbit dung. 

"Get away from me you filthy beast!" Leafspots spat, and scratched the two-legs hand. The two-leg howled in pain and closed the mesh door, once again trapping Leafspots inside.

  "You know, if you are nice to him he will let out out of the cage."

"So you are saying to go all kittypet on him?"

"I have no clue what that means, but be nice to him, don't scratch him, let him touch you,and especially play with the two-legs kits. Once he trusts you he will let you wander around the room and I can show you how to get out from there." 

"If that's all I have to do then I will do it!" Leafspots vowed.


Foxtail's pov

"Whats going on?" Snowstorm asked as Foxtail limped back into camp.

"Leafspots got taken by two-legs." Shadowtail said. Foxtail was leaning on his shoulder and she was starting to lose consciousness. 

"Lets get you to Dreamcloud and Emberleaf." Foxtail nodded and limped away.

"LEAFSPOTS I AM COMING FOR YOU!!!!" a voice yowled. Foxtail turned around and saw Snowstorm running... no lumbering to the exit. She smashed head-on into Pineclaw and Fritzyclaw, who were in a heated argument. 

"Where are you going in such a hurry honey?" Asked Fritzyclaw. 

"To save Leafspots!" 

"The the only place you are going is the nursery." Fritzyclaw and Pineclaw dragged Snowstorm to the nursery and stood outside so she could not leave.

Foxtail stared at her friend sadly then went to sleep. 

Snowstorms pov

Rage and fear swirled through me as I tried to break free of Pineclaw and Fritzyclaws grasp. 

"LEAFSPOOOOOOOOTSSSSSSSSSS NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I wailed. Fuzzystar ran into the nursery to see what was wrong. I whimpered like a kit and snuggled up against her, wanting warmth for my cold lost soul.


As soon as I opened my eyes I realised I was in a dream. The grass was sparkling and there was still food. Snowstorm dropped into the hunters crouch and started stalking a squirrel. It was eating a nut and was not near a tree. As Snowstorm started stalking forward a sharp intense pain jabbed her belly. She ignored it and pounced on the squirrel. Suddenly her belly ached, it hurt really bad. Snowstorm collapsed onto the soft starry grass.

"Snowstorm? Snowstorm? SNOWSTORM YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP!!" It looked the the squirrle Snowstorm had killed was talking. Then it poked her with it's claw! Snowstorm snapped awake. Dreamcloud, Emberleaf, and Foxtail were crowded around her. She realized her mouth was open in a wail. Suddenly a rippling pain went through her stomach. 

       " MROOOWWWW! That hurts." Snowstorm yowled. Out of the corner of her eye Snowstorm saw Rainwhisker trying desperately to get into the nursery, just to be pushed out by the she-cats. A large stick was given to Snowstorm and as another spasm rocked her body she bit down on the stick. A small kit slid out and landed on the moss. Emberleaf began licking it then placed it by Snowstorm. It was a sandy coloured tabby and Snowstorm realised nothing could be more beautiful than this helpless kit. She bent down to lick it and another spasm rocked her body and another kit slid out. This one was grey and had large black markings all over her. 

     "Great job Snowstorm, you are done. I will send Rainwhisker in." Whispered Dreamcloud. Everyone left the den and Rainwhisker walked in.  

"They are beautiful, what should we name them?" Rainwhisker asked quietly.

"I was thinking Glimmerkit, for the silver tabby and..." 

"Shimmerkit for the sandy coloured tabby." Finished Rainwhisker.

"I like it, Shimmerkit and Glimmerkit." Snowstorm nuzzled her kits and mate and fell asleep with her beautiful family.

Warriors the outcasts book 2 of the runaways series. COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now