Chapter 8

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Foxpaw stared in shock at Fuzzystars body. Her usually black pelt was covered in ash and soot, and she had a large burn across her flank.

" Out of the way!" Shreiked Dreamcloud, Emberpaw followed behind carrying bundles of herbs.

"Emberpaw give me a bundle and treat anyone else who has burns." Dreamcloud immediately got to work dressing Fuzzystars wounds, who's breathing was ragged with pain.

"Stay with us Fuzzystar you are going to be okay." Dreamcloud murmured but it was to late. Foxpaw gasped in fear as Fuzzysats breathing slowed and her eyes went glassy, was that her last life? Wails rose from the crowd, all fearing the same as Foxpaw. For around 5 minutes the camp was silent except for the quiet lapping of the river, than Fuzzystar sat up with a gasp. All the burns dissapearded and the markings she got when she created the clan glowed. Then her eyes glowed.

"The three youngest kits of the founders will destroy or unite the clans, if they destroy, the whole forest will die and they will take over starclan, if they heal the forest then they will unite the 5 clans as one. And each one will create 3 more clans and they will live in peace and harmony"

"As Fuzzystar snapped out of her prophecy, all eyes turned on Snowpaw, Foxpaw, and Leafpaw.

A.N. sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to make it intense.

Warriors the outcasts book 2 of the runaways series. COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now