chapter 15

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" Hey Snowstorm want to go out with Leafspots and I? We were thinking we could float down the river and fish and talk."

" Why would I do that, I don't know about you but I'm a warrior now. I don't have time to play in the river." Foxtails ears drooped at that but then she thought of something.

" Well Shadowtail and Wolfear are coming, maybe we could invite Rainwhisker."

" Okay lets do it, i'll go get him. Snowstorm mewed excitedly."

"Always works." Leafspots said as she entered the den with Wolfear, they were 'dating' now so foxtail had to deal with her brother coming along.

" Lets go then."

The group of 6 left the camp and headed to where the river started. Foxtail grabbed a whole pile of twigs and leafs, while Leafspots grabbed honey and cobwebs. Then Foxtail expertly weaved the sticks using the honey and cobwebs to stick them together.

" Shadowpaw can you grab some twigs and peel the bark off them, then Snowstorm you braid them and make me large piles." Foxtail instructed them. By sunhigh the raft was complete lined with moss and it could hold all 6 cats. There was even a compartment they could put fish in. Foxtail Snowstorm and rainwhisker pushed the nest into the river and held it in place , while Shadowtail, Wolfear, and Leafspots jumped in. Then the three cats pushed the raft into the cold water and swam it to the centre of the river. The strong current tugged at foxtails pelt, and she heaved herself onto the raft.

"This is the life." Murmered Snowstorm as they floated peacfully down the river. They had a large stock of fish to take back to the clan, who had to much food to eat. Rainwhisker was lapping at Snowstorms pelt, and Shadow tail was swimming alongside the raft to cool off. The sun beated down on them but a cool wind blew around, promising an early leaf-fall.

" Hey guys did you hear something?" Asked Shadowtail from the river.

" Umm no. Why did you?" Rainwhisker asked.

" I don't know." Shadowtail heaved himself onto the raft and everyone quieted to see if they could hear the noise. Foxtail pricked her ears and twitched them, then she heard it, a high pitched wail sounded making her wince.

" What is it Foxtail?"

" Some cats in danger lets head to shore." The cats jumped out of the raft and pushed it to shore to find out what the mysterious noise was. They followed Foxtail along a path and came to a dilapidated barn, here the noise was louder than ever. Wolfear and Rainwhisker went to the front of the group and quietly padded into the barn. It was dark and musty making Foxpaw sneeze. Then she saw what the wailing was coming from. 3 kits sat in a nest, their eyes were closed and their tiny pink mouths opened in hungry wails.

" Poor thinks we should get them so fish and take them home." Snowstorm mewed. Foxtail nodded but worry surged through her, as soon as Snowstorm picked up the first kit, and tabby shape rammed into Snowstorm making her drop the kit, a large tom growled and a small grey tabby stood beside him. The two cats were bone thin and their pelts were ragged.

" Get out now before we shred you mewed the tom."

" Good luck with that!" Scoffed Snowstorm. The tom lunged at her but she easily batted him away."

"Thorn stop! Please we can't fight them." The tabby-tom named Thorn glared at the six cats.

"What are your names?" Asked Leafspots.

"Im Speckles and this is Thorn, please help us, out twolegs abandoned us when our house flooded, I don't want to die"

" Okay you can come to our clan." Foxtail mewed

Warriors the outcasts book 2 of the runaways series. COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now