Chapter 20

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A.N. hey everyone like my new cover? I just wanted to thank Starbucks-4ever for making me such a perfect cover, you should follow her and get her to make one for you. It got done really quickly so thanks again and here is chapter 20!!!!

       Foxtail shared a worried glance with Shadowtail, luckily they did not know that they were a clan and they did not know where they lived. It was getting harder to keep it hidden though. They forest they lived in was close to the other clans and the new apprentices kept straying into other territories.

" What are we going to do Shadowtail?"

"Shush I want to hear the rest."

Foxtail shut her mouth and kept listening.

" Thank you Bronzestar, I agree something must be done, I will send out a patrol of my best warriors and trackers to find this band of rouges and TAKE THEM DOWN!!!"

Yowled Stonestar. The clans cheered but Shadowclan did not seem too thrilled.

" Thank you Stonestar I will send a patrol too, how about any clan who want a patrol, send them there in two days time at dawn." Quite a few cats nodded in agreement, and with that the gathering was done.

"Who is Stonestar?" Asked Foxtail

" He is Thunderclans leader, Tailstar is the Windclan leader, and Blazestar is shadowclans leader."

Soon all the clans were gone except for a few Shadowclan warriors and Blazestar.

"YOU CAN COME OUT NOW!" She called. Foxtail stared at Shadowtail hoping it was not them she was talking about.

" I know you are there... Don't make my warriors grab you. UUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH the orange cat that looks like a fox, YOUR EARS ARE STICKING OUT COME HERE AND BRING THE BLACK CAT!!!

Foxtail stepped out of the Shadows shaking from ears to tail-tip, Shadowtail followed his head held high.

" Are you those rouges that Bronzestar keeps talking about?"

"Yes we are and there is more of us... You will not win and we will keep Moonclan alive!"

"Foxtail I think you told her to much."

"Oh, oopsie daisy "

" So you are the ones stealing my warriors!?"

"With all do respect ma'mm but we don't do the stealing they join us, maybe you should talk to our leader one daaaaayyyy. I did it again didn't I.


"Anyways there is no need to worry because Starclan sent me a dream telling me about you, I've been sending some of my warriors to help you in fact. Okay I'll get to the point I- Shadowclan is going to help you. Most of our clan is against Bronzestar and Stonestar. Tailstar is still deciding but Shadowclan will help you. I assume the you Foxtail are one of the chosen ones, you know to unite the clans?"

"Ummmmm maybe? Wait how did you know my name?"

"The black cat kept calling you that, but anyways I am sending a patrol to fourtress to "fight" with the other clans, meanwhile another patrol will be helping you fight. The second patrol will enter through the tunnels you always go through. See you then, I need to get home before my clan worries."

Warriors the outcasts book 2 of the runaways series. COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now